高丹,李秀霞,周娜.基于改进CARS模型的学术文献被引频次影响因素分析[J].数字图书馆论坛,2018,(10):18~24 |
基于改进CARS模型的学术文献被引频次影响因素分析 |
Analysis of the Influence Factors of the Inciting Frequency to Academic Literature Based on Improvement of the CARS Model |
投稿时间:2018-09-27 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1673-2286.2018.10.003 |
中文关键词: 引言结构;被引频次;CARS模型;引言词表 |
英文关键词: Introduction Structure; Citation Frequency; CARS Model; Introduction Dictionary |
基金项目:本研究得到国家社会科学基金项目"文献内容分析与引文分析融合的知识挖掘与发现研究"(编号:16BTQ074)资助. |
作者 | 单位 | 高丹 | 曲阜师范大学日照校区 | 李秀霞 | 曲阜师范大学日照校区 | 周娜 | 曲阜师范大学日照校区 |
摘要点击次数: 2458 |
全文下载次数: 2999 |
中文摘要: |
为丰富学术文献引言结构的研究,规范学术文献的引言写作,本文探究引言结构对学术文献被引频次的影响,以提高其学术影响力.以Web of Science为数据来源,分析图书情报领域文献的引言结构,将CARS模型简化为"阐述重要性""文献综述""研究不足""研究目的""预示重要结果""论文结构"6个语步,并构建引言结构词表.通过Python编程过滤引言结构词表,将学术文献引言部分各语步的词表重合率与对应文献的被引频次进行相关性分析.研究发现,"研究不足""预示重要结果""阐述重要性"语步的词表重合率与被引频次呈现较强相关性,表明这3个语步的写作规范度可作为影响被引频次的指标. |
英文摘要: |
In order to enrich the research of the introduction structure about academic literature, regulate the introduction of academic literatures, the introduction structure dictionary is put forward to further explore the influence of introduction structure to the frequency of academic literature citations, and extend their academic influence. Using Web of Science as data source to analyze the introduction part of literature in the field of library and information science, we simplify the CARS model as “expounding importance” “literature review” “under-researched” “research purpose” “important results” “paper structure” six moves and construct the introduction of structural dictionary. By using python programming to filter the introduction structure dictionary, the dictionary coincidence rate of each move of academic literature introduction and corresponding literature citations were analyzed. Research Findings: the dictionary coincidence rate and times cited of “under-researched” “important results” “expound importance” move have strong correlation, it is indicated that the writing norms of these three steps can be used as the index to influence the citation frequency. |
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