周玲元,方先涛.基于服务链的智慧图书馆轻量级微服务体系建设研究[J].数字图书馆论坛,2024,20(4):50~57 |
基于服务链的智慧图书馆轻量级微服务体系建设研究 |
Construction of Lightweight Microservice System of Smart Library Based on Service Chain |
投稿时间:2024-02-27 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1673-2286.2024.04.006 |
中文关键词: 智慧图书馆;轻量级;微服务;体系建设;服务链 |
英文关键词: Smart Library; Lightweight; Microservice; System Building; Service Chain |
基金项目:本研究得到国家社会科学基金项目“智慧图书馆轻量级微服务体系架构及建设路径研究”(编号:22BTQ022)资助。 |
作者 | 单位 | 周玲元 | 南昌航空大学经济管理学院 | 方先涛 | 南昌航空大学经济管理学院 |
摘要点击次数: 399 |
全文下载次数: 386 |
中文摘要: |
为丰富智慧图书馆微服务内涵,构建基于服务链的智慧图书馆轻量级微服务体系。通过分析智慧图书馆微服务研究现状,明确智慧图书馆轻量级微服务发展所面临的机遇与挑战。引入服务链思想,从服务前、中、后期3个阶段,运营、技术、数据、用户4个维度构建智慧图书馆轻量级微服务体系,同时提出建设原则。为助力体系落地实施,从服务链延伸与服务链细化两方面对关键环节进行具体阐释。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to enrich the connotation of microservices in smart libraries, this paper constructs a lightweight microservice system for smart libraries based on service chain. By analyzing the current situation of smart library microservice research, this paper clarifies the opportunities and challenges facing the development of smart library lightweight microservice. Moreover, it introduces the idea of service chain to build a smart library lightweight microservice system from the three stages of pre-service, mid-service, and post-service, and the four dimensions of operation, technology, data, and users. At the same time, it puts forward the principles of construction. In order to help the implementation of the system, the key links are specifically explained in terms of service chain extension and service chain refinement. |
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