Identification of Multi-Thematic Pathways in the Field of Green Urban Development and Analysis of Their Evolutionary Trends
中文关键词: 多主题路径;Pathfinder算法;绿色城市发展;路径识别;文献耦合
英文关键词: Multi-Thematic Path; Pathfinder Algorithm; Green Urban Development; Path Identification; Literature Coupling
汝绪伟 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院);山东省科技发展战略研究所;山东省高等学校科技创新治理与智能决策文科实验室 
薛春丽 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院);山东省科技发展战略研究所 
郑心如 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院);山东省科技发展战略研究所 
王艳英 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院);山东省科技发展战略研究所;山东省高等学校科技创新治理与智能决策文科实验室 
纪宗华 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院);山东省科技发展战略研究所;山东省高等学校科技创新治理与智能决策文科实验室 
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      Currently, most of the theme evolution path analyses study the themes and paths separately. This paper tries to use an improved main path analysis method, focusing on the field of green urban development and relying on the citation network structure, to extract the multi-thematic paths and trends in this field, to achieve the simultaneous identification of the themes and evolution paths, and to visually show the development trend of inter-thematic fusion.Through multi-path theme identification based on Pathfinder algorithm, truncation and clustering of theme paths are conducted based on the principle of literature coupling. The evolution process and development trend of theme paths in the field of green urban development are analyzed from the perspectives of citation and quotation. The results of the study show that the multi-thematic path identification method based on the Pathfinder algorithm can effectively and clearly show the developmental links between the themes in the field, and reveal the interactive transfer of knowledge content. The research on green urban development focuses on the practical impacts of low-impact development on urban hydrology. The domestic research mainly includes two major thematic paths of effectiveness verification and cost-benefit assessment, while the foreign research mainly includes effectiveness verification, role diversity analysis, and multiobjective optimization. The research on green urban development at home and abroad tends to focus on the expansion and integration of a single theme cluster, while there is relatively little research on the integration and development of cross-theme paths. The main development trend in this field is to conduct research on low-impact development practices under the background conditions and uncertain factors of integrated cities.
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