Influence Mechanism of Information Encounter on Social Media Users’ Social Avoidance Behavior
中文关键词: 社交回避;信息偶遇;社交媒体;用户;影响机制
英文关键词: Social Avoidance; Information Encounter; Social Media; User; Influence Mechanism
许鑫 上海大学新闻传播学院 
赵士林 上海大学新闻传播学院 
摘要点击次数: 493
全文下载次数: 1172
      With the increasing progress of information technology, the phenomenon of information encounter occurs frequently when users use social media. This paper takes information encounter as an independent variable, users’ social avoidance behavior as a dependent variable, and social media cognitive overload, social anxiety, online risk exposure, and acquaintance embarrassment as mediating variables. Based on the stressor-strain-outcome theoretical model, the structural equation model is built by questionnaire survey method. The mediation test is conducted by Bootstrap sampling method to explore the negative effects of information encounter on users’ social psychology and behaviors, so as to supplement the negative boosting mechanism in information encounter researches and provide theoretical basis for effectively promoting users’ information encounter. The research shows that information encounter positively affects users’ social avoidance. Social media cognitive overload, social anxiety, online risk exposure, and acquaintance embarrassment have mediating effects on the relationship in which information encounter positively affects users’ social avoidance, respectively. Social media cognitive overload and social anxiety play chain mediating effects when information encounter positively affects users’ social avoidance. The research conclusion will provide ideas and inspiration for social media users to improve the utilization efficiency of encountering information and improve the quality and efficiency of platform information push.
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