Structure, Theme, and Tool Selection of Data Element Market Construction Policies of Provincial Local Governments in China:A Quantitative Analysis Based on 122 Policy Texts
中文关键词: 数据要素市场;政策量化分析;政策外部结构;政策主题;政策工具
英文关键词: Data Element Market; Quantitative Analysis of Policies; External Structure of Policies; Policy Theme; Policy Tool
付熙雯 西北大学公共管理学院 
王晓丹 西北大学公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 209
全文下载次数: 326
      The construction of the data element market holds significant importance for facilitating the high-quality development of the digital economy. To demonstrate the key concerns and weak links of provincial-level local governments in the construction of the data element market, this paper constructs a threedimensional analytical framework of policy external structure, policy theme, and policy tool, and conducts a quantitative analysis of 122 policy texts related to the construction of the data element market of provincial-level local governments in China from 2015 to 2024. The research reveals that currently, there are still relatively few specialized policies for the construction of the data element market, and the distribution of policy quantity varies across regions. The policy content focuses on data circulation and the establishment of rules for the data element market, with more attention given to data transactions, while insufficient attention is paid to data revenue distribution and cross-border data flow. The use structure of policy tools is imbalanced. Therefore, it is recommended that local governments accelerate specialized legislation and improve the relevant policy system; balance the development of various data circulation methods and refine the rules of the data element market; and increase the utilization of demand-oriented policy tools and optimize the combination and configuration of policy tools.
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