Model and Empirical Study on Identification of Industry Key Generic Technologies based on Knowledge Network Characteristics: Evidence from the New Generation of Information Technology Industry
中文关键词: 产业关键共性技术;知识网络;节点特征;社区发现算法;技术生命周期
英文关键词: Industry Key Generic Technologies; Knowledge Network; Node Characteristics; Community Discovery Algorithm; Technology Life Cycle
刘静 北京市科学技术研究院科技情报研究所 北京 100044 
胥彦玲 北京市科学技术研究院科技情报研究所 北京 100044 
张婧 北京市科学技术研究院科技情报研究所 北京 100044 
摘要点击次数: 398
全文下载次数: 425
      [Objective/ Significance] Construct the identification model of industry key generic technologies and conduct empirical research. It will be an important basis for governers to formulate suitable policies and strategies. [Methods/Processes] This paper explores the relationship between the characteristics of knowledge network and industry key generic technologies, from both of technical field and technical theme. In the technology field co-occurrence network, the nodes with similar properties are combined to form the industry generic technology field. In the technology theme co-occurrence network, according to the node’s structural position that is the topological structure in the network node, the indicators of technology theme characteristics are calculated, and finally the industry key generic technologies are selected. [Limitations] Yet this paper does not consider the differences of technological competition and layout among different countries or regions, which needs to be further discussed in future research. [Results /Conclusions] Taking the new generation of information technology industry as an example, eight common technology fields are identified, and 20 technology themes are selected as the industry key genetic technologies. This model is comprehensively considered from the content of patent literature and the law of technological development, that ensures the scientificity, rationality and reliability of the model and its results.
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