戴力新,李红,戚湧.长三角地区技术转移与成果转化效率分析——基于三阶段 DEA 模型分析[J].情报工程,2024,10(1):059-071
长三角地区技术转移与成果转化效率分析——基于三阶段 DEA 模型分析
Analysis of Technology Transfer and Achievement Transformation Efficiency in Yangtze River Delta Region: Based on Three-Stage DEA Model Analysis
中文关键词: 长三角;三阶段 DEA;技术转移;成果转化
英文关键词: Yangtze River Delta; Three-stage DEA; Technology Transfer; Achievement transformation
戴力新 1 江苏省科技资源统筹服务中心 南京 210004 
李红 1 江苏省科技资源统筹服务中心 南京 210004 
戚湧 2. 南京理工大学知识产权学院 南京 210094 
摘要点击次数: 344
全文下载次数: 559
      [Objective/ Significance] Research on the efficiency of technology transfer and achievement transformation conforms to the development requirements, and has important theoretical significance and practical significance for strengthening the optimal allocation of technological innovation policies and catalysing the real transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces. [Methods/Processes] Using a three-stage DEA method including stochastic frontier analysis, the article takes four provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, namely Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Anhui, as research objects. It evaluates the efficiency of technology transfer and achievement transformation from 2015 to 2021, and compares and analyses the efficiency values before and after removing environmental factors and stochastic factors. [Limitations] The study sample is small and does not take into account other factors such as the number of the Science and Technology Mayor’s Corps members that may affect technology transfer and achievement transformation. [Results /Conclusions] The efficiency of technology transfer and achievement transformation of the 4 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta is high overall. Among them, service environment, science and technology policy environment, economic development environment and stochastic perturbation are important factors affecting the efficiency of technology transfer and achievement transformation. Through the third stage of DEA analysis, it was found that the mean value of the efficiency of the 4 provinces and cities had decreased. Based on the above research conclusions, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward in terms of rational planning resource inputs for technology transfer and achievement transformation, and improving the mechanism for transferring and transforming scientific and technological achievements.
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