Research Development and Frontier Hotspots of Railway Transportation Based on Bibliometrics
中文关键词: 文献计量学;可视分析;共现图谱;铁路运输;前沿热点
英文关键词: Bibliometrics;Visual Analysis;Co-occurrence Graph;Railway Transportation;Frontier Hotspots
戚小玉 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司 电子计算技术研究所 北京 100081 
摘要点击次数: 341
全文下载次数: 575
      [Objective/Significance] Analyze and track research trends in the field of railway transportation can provide reference and basis for academic research in the field of railway transportation. [Methods/Processes] This paper analyzes the research development and frontier hot spots of papers in the field of railway based on bibliometrics. In combination with the classification of the Chinese Library, this paper collects the data of core journals supported by funds in the CNKI database, and carries out comprehensive statistical analysis and prediction of the total number of publications, the source of publications, the subjects and topics of publications, and the supporting funds. With the help of the CiteSpace visual analysis tool, the paper analyzes and elaborates the high-frequency keywords, keyword co-occurrence graph, and clustering of research hotspots. The Kleinberg burst detection algorithm is used to identify and track the research frontier, and the phased advantages of different types of research institutions are comprehensively analyzed. [Limitations] This paper only analyzes the data from CNKI, and there are certain limitations in sample selection, which need to be further expanded in the future. [Results/Conclusions] The article combines multidimensional analysis results to summarize the characteristics of scientific research development in the field of railway transportation, and puts forward suggestions in various fund support, research hotspot tracking, and industrial achievement transformation, which provides certain reference value.
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