秦疏影.高校图书馆设立大学生阅读推广委员会的探索*[J].情报工程,2015,1(2):109-114 |
高校图书馆设立大学生阅读推广委员会的探索* |
Exploration of the Establishment of College Students' Reading Promotion Committee in University Library |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.2095-915X.2015.02.014 |
中文关键词: 高校图书馆,大学生阅读推广委员会,推广委员 |
英文关键词: University eibrary, college students' reading promotion committee, promotion committee |
基金项目:“高校图书馆如何利用文献计量方法提高阅读推广质量”“高校图书馆的阅读推广策略研究” |
摘要点击次数: 3403 |
全文下载次数: 2233 |
中文摘要: |
建立稳定的阅读推广队伍是高校图书馆应该开展的一项重要工作。文章分析了高校图书馆设立大学生阅读推广委员会的必要性和可行性,论述了大学生担任推广委员的优势。对高校图书馆设立大学生阅读推广委员会提出了具体的方法探索:向全校大学生征集推广委员;加强对推广委员的培训;建立良好的沟通机制和监督管理机制;维护推广委员的利益,完善激励机制,确保大学生阅读推广委员会的工作常态化。文章是现阶段人员紧缺的高校图书馆阅读推广工作模式的新探索,为高校图书馆的阅读推广工作提供一定的参考和借鉴。 |
英文摘要: |
Establishing a stable reading promotion team is an important work of university library. The paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of establishing College Students' Reading Promotion Committee in University Library. It discusses the advantages of college students as promotion committee members. It puts forward the concrete method of exploration for the establishment of College Students' Reading Promotion Committee in university Library: recruiting promotion Committee from all the students in the university; strengthening the training of the promotion Committee; establishing good communication mechanism and supervision mechanism; promoting the interests of members, improving the incentive mechanism, ensuring the work normalization of the students reading promotion committee . This paper is a new exploration of reading popularization pattern at this stage of personnel shortage in the university library, and provides a reference for the university library reading promotion. |
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