Chinese Patent Analysis on Air purifier Technology
中文关键词: 空气净化器,专利分析,发展趋势
英文关键词: Air purifier, patent analysis, development trend
吴日欣 中国科学技术信息研究所 
凌锋 北京万方数据股份有限公司 
刘会景 北京万方数据股份有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 6093
全文下载次数: 5514
      2003 年以来全球范围 SARS 的蔓延、新型流感的流行以及近年来人们对雾霾(PM2.5)的广泛关注,使空气净化器得到了快速发展,众多厂商纷纷跻身这个快速成长的领域,如老牌国产空气净化企业沃泰克、远大,外资品牌夏普、飞利浦,国内知名空调厂家美的、格力、海尔等,健康产品渠道商安利,互联网公司小米,以及新兴环保企业青岛川山硅藻泥、爱芯环保科技等。最新数据显示,2014 年我国空气净化器的市场零售量达到 580 万台,比 2013 年的 240 万台有大幅增长。本文从我国空气净化器相关技术的专利分析入手,从发展趋势、技术领域分布、地区分布,竞争对手等多个角度揭示我国空气净化器的技术发展现状以及未来趋势。
      Due to the outbreak of SARS and other new influenza viruses in 2003, and increased public awareness of PM2.5 in recent years, air purification technology has developed rapidly in China. As a result, many major manufacturers joined this industry: Major domestic air purifier producers like Valtorc and Broad Group, foreign brands including Sharp and Phillips; famous domestic air-conditioner manufacturers like Midea, Gree, and Haier; health care products provider Amway, internet company Xiaomi, and environment protection technology providers Chuan Yue Shan, AirFC, etc. Latest data suggests that the retail market size for air purifiers has reached 5.8 million in the year 2014, and it has expanded greatly from the 2.4 million in 2013. This article intends to give a patent analysis of air purifiers and the related technology in China. It will give an interpretation of the current technical status as well as the future trend of air purifiers through evaluating their development trend,technical field distribution, area distribution, and competitors in China.
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