Patent Analysis of the Third Generation Semiconductor Devices
中文关键词: 第三代半导体器件;专利分析;碳化硅;氮化镓
英文关键词: The third generation semiconductor device; patent analysis; SiC; GaN
基金项目:中国科学技术信息研究所重点工作—— 重点科技领域深度分析与研究2018(ZD2018-01);青海省“ 互联网+” 绿色产业发展(2018-0303-ZJC-0023)的资助。
李秾 中国科学技术信息研究所 
金言 中国工程院战略咨询中心 
袁芳 中国科学技术信息研究所 
郭丽君 北京师范大学图书馆 
摘要点击次数: 2312
全文下载次数: 2069
      以碳化硅、氮化镓为代表的宽禁带半导体材料具有宽半导体带隙、高电子饱和漂移速度、高热导率、高击穿强度等特点,特别适合制造工作于高频率、高速度、高温的半导体器件和短波长光电器件,已成为国际半导体器研究与产业化的热点。基于科学计量的方法,本文从专利申请和授权的年度趋势、发明人所在地、专利申请地、专利分类体系分布以及专利权人的角度深入分析了第三代半导体器件专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领域以及研发机构情况,并对我国发展相关产业提出建议。研究表明,近30 年来第三代半导体器件专利申请量高速增长,专利的来源地与受理地均为日本、美国、中国和韩国,中国大陆地区在该领域缺少龙头企业,相关研发以大学和科研院所为主,尚需培育市场需求。
      The Third Generation Semiconductor Materials, such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride, are characterized by wide semiconductor band gap, high electron saturation drift rate, high thermal conductivity and high breakdown strength. They are especially suitable for manufacturing semiconductor devices and short wavelength optoelectronic devices working at the situation of high frequencies, high speeds and high temperatures, which have become the hotspot of international semiconductor research and industrialization. Based on the scientometric method, the overall output, key technical fields and important R&D institutions of the third generation semiconductor devices are analyzed in this paper, by annual trends of patent application and authorization, the inventor locations, locations that receive patent application, patent distribution based on cooperative patent classification, as well as patent assignees. Meanwhile, the development suggestions of related industries in China are also put forward. Research shows that the number of patent applications for the third generation semiconductor devices has increased rapidly in the past 30 years. The inventor and acceptance locations of patents are from Japan, the United States, China and South Korea, but there is a lack of leading enterprises in this field in the mainland of China. The third generation semiconductor device related R&D is dominated by universities and institutes in the mainland of China, which still need to cultivate market demand.
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