乔晓慧,杨祖国.中国高等教育研究现状与未来趋势:基于 2012—2021 年高教类核心期刊的参考文献分析[J].情报工程,2023,9(1):069-091
中国高等教育研究现状与未来趋势:基于 2012—2021 年高教类核心期刊的参考文献分析
Current Status and Future Trends of Higher Education Research in China: A Reference Analysis Based on Core Journals of Higher Education from 2012 to 2021
中文关键词: 高等教育;参考文献;研究热点;布里渊指数;文献计量
英文关键词: Higher Education; references; research hotspots; Brillouin index; Bibliometrics
乔晓慧 1. 天津大学教育学院 天津 300354; 
杨祖国 2. 天津大学图书馆 天津 300072 
摘要点击次数: 2104
全文下载次数: 2664
      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 本文对高等教育领域五种期刊 2012—2021 年出版的论文及其引用的参考文献进行文献计量分析,以揭示我国高等教育的研究现状与未来趋势。[ 方法 / 过程 ] 利用中国知网平台的中国引文数据库参考文献分析功能进行目标期刊的选取,获取目标期刊的参考文献信息,通过参考文献的发表时间分析高等教育领域研究吸收新知识的情况;通过参考文献的语种分析了解高等教育领域对国内外知识的吸收借鉴情况;对参考文献期刊所属学科分类进行分析,了解高等教育领域期刊之间和与其他学科期刊交流的情况;计算参考文献期刊的布里渊指数,得出我国高等教育研究目前的学科多样性程度;对于参考文献的作者进行分析,了解高等教育领域知识基础的主要贡献者;提取参考文献的主题词,分析主题词的变化情况,揭示高等教育领域关注的焦点。[ 局限 ] 在研究对象的选择方面,通过参考文献分析选取了高等教育领域具有代表的期刊,而未选择高等教育全领域的数据。[ 结果 / 结论 ] 通过数据分析发现,高等教育领域研究近年来具有良好的学术相继性;中国本土的高等教育理论研究不够;高等教育领域学科多样性的程度并不高,高等教育领域高度交叉融合的局面尚未形成,近年来高等教育的学科多样性程度呈现出逐渐加强的趋势;领域形成了老中青三代学者的结构,这些学者是我国高等教育学知识的主要贡献者;高等教育关注的核心是高等教育的质量,等教育领域研究的热点与国家战略和时代需求高度相关。
      [Objective/ Significance] In this paper, a bibliometric analysis of five core journals and their cited references in the field of higher education from 2012 to 2021 is carried out to reveal the research status and future trends of higher education in China. [Methods/Processes] Use the reference analysis function of CNKI to select target journals and obtain reference information of the target journals. The analysis of the publication years of references is used to analyze the absorption of new knowledge in the field of higher education. The analysis of the language of references is used to understand the absorption of domestic and foreign knowledge in the field of higher education. The analysis of the disciplinary classification to which the journals of references belong is conducted to understand the knowledge communication between journals in the field of higher education and the communication with journals in other discipline fields. The Brillouin index of the journals of references is calculated to derive the current degree of discipline diversity of higher education research in China. The authors of the references are analyzed to reveal the main contributors to the knowledge base of the field of higher education. The subject terms of the references are extracted and analyzed to derive the focus in the field of higher education. [Limitations] For the selection of the target journals, representative journals in the field of higher education were selected through reference analysis instead of selecting data from the whole field of higher education. [Results /Conclusions] The data analysis reveals that the research in the field of higher education has good academic succession in recent years; there is not enough local theoretical research on higher education in China; the degree of disciplinary diversity in the field of higher education is not enough; The situation of high cross-fertilization in the field of higher education has not yet been formed, and the degree of disciplinary diversity in higher education has shown a trend of gradual strengthening in recent years; the field has formed a structure of old, middle-aged and young scholars, and these scholars are the main contributors to the knowledge of higher education in China; the core of higher education concern is the quality of higher education, and the hotspots of research in the field of education such as higher education are highly relevant to the national strategy and the needs of the times.
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