Analysis on the Theme of Information Literacy in Recent Five Years
中文关键词: 信息素养;相关性分析;LDA;Altmetrics;python
英文关键词: information literacy; Correlation analysis; LDA; Altmetrics; python
吴帼帼 山东大学图书馆 济南 250100 
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      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 信息素养与生活学习工作密切相关,探究信息素养的发展脉络和研究主题分布以及演化关系,对促进信息素养培育发展以及指导信息素养能力提升具有积极作用。[ 方法 / 过程 ] 基于近五年 SCI、SSCI 中的信息素养相关研究数据集合,使用 LDA 模型挖掘各个年代下相关研究的主题分布以及主题间的演化规律,与此同时基于替代计量学指标找到近五年高社会影响力的具体文章。[ 局限 ] 未将信息素养相关的中文期刊文献等数据包含其中。[ 结果 / 结论 ] 近五年信息素养研究主要集中于信息素养、学术图书馆、信息素养教育、数字数据素养、虚假信息以及健康素养等方面。且主题之间相似度较高,主题衍生关系和延续性较强。
      [Purpose/Significance] Information literacy is closely related to life learning, especially in the context of a special era, exploring the development context of information literacy, the distribution of research topics, and the evolutionary relationship plays a positive role in promoting the cultivation and development of information literacy and guiding the improvement of information literacy capabilities. [Method/Process] Based on the information literacy related research data set in SCI and SSCI in the past five years, use the LDA model to mine the topic distribution of related research in each era and the evolution rules between topics. At the same time, find specific articles with high social influence in the past five years based on alternative econometric indicators. [Limitation] Data such as Chinese journals and literatures related to information literacy are not included. [Results/Conclusion] In the past five years, the theme of information literacy has been concerned, mainly focusing on information literacy, academic libraries, information literacy education, digital data literacy, false information and health literacy. The similarity between topics is high, and the derivative relationship and continuity of topics are strong
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