陈长明.应急状态下社区知识服务自治系统建设研究——基于社区 PSR-CATR 模型和“守望币”激励机制的探讨[J].情报工程,2023,9(2):028-037
应急状态下社区知识服务自治系统建设研究——基于社区 PSR-CATR 模型和“守望币”激励机制的探讨
Study on the Construction of Community Knowledge Mutual Aid System under Epidemic Situation——Discussion on Incentive Mechanism Based on Community PSR-CATR Model and “Help Coin”
中文关键词: 知识互助;PSR-CATR;守望币
英文关键词: Knowledge help; PSR-CATR; Help coin
基金项目:2022 年度国家社会科学基金重点项目“突发公共事件背景下中国社区应急治理能力测度与评价研究”(22ATJ009);2022 年度陕西省哲学社会科学重大理论与现实问题研究后期资助项目“陕西省数字经济发展水平测度与劳动者福利效应研究”(2022HQ02);2022 年度陕西省体育局常规课题项目“关于新时代体育场馆智慧化升级赋能体育产业创新发展的研究”(2022277)。
陈长明 西北大学图书馆 西安 710000 
摘要点击次数: 786
全文下载次数: 650
      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 在应急状态下,相比较于完全依靠政府帮扶,如果能建立一种邻里守望的知识服务自治系统,优化邻里间的志愿服务,将能更准确、更及时、更人性化的解决社区居民的知识需求。[ 方法 / 过程 ] 本文基于社区 PSR响应 -CATR 分层管理机制,对应急状态之下的社区知识需求进行快速响应,编制需求量表对需求进行科学评价,借鉴市场经济流通机制,引入“守望币”,以此为介质,完成社区知识交换。[ 结果 / 结论 ] 最终盘活社区内富余的人力、知识资源,激励志愿服务持续进行。
      [Objective/Significance] Under epidemic situation, compared with relying entirely on government services, if a knowledge mutual assistance system of neighborhood watch can be established and the volunteer service between neighbors can be optimized, it will be able to solve the knowledge needs of community residents more accurately, timely and humanized. [Methods/Processes] Based on the community PSR response-CATR hierarchical management mechanism, rapid response to the outbreak of community knowledge demand, formulate community demand evaluation of community demand, learn from the circulation mechanism in market economy and society, introduce “help coin”, as the medium, complete community knowledge exchange. [Results/Conclusions] Ultimately, revitalize the community surplus human and knowledge resources, and encourage volunteer service, constantly improve the neighborhood watch autonomy system and emergency volunteer service.
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