俞立平,胡甲滨.哲学社科奖励绩效:问题与可达目标研究——基于联立方程与BP 人工神经网络[J].情报工程,2023,9(3):013-028
哲学社科奖励绩效:问题与可达目标研究——基于联立方程与BP 人工神经网络
Research on the Problems and Achievable Goals of the Performance of Philosophy and Social Science Award Based on Simultaneous Equations and BP Artificial Neural Network
中文关键词: 哲学社科;科研奖励;绩效;联立方程;BP 神经网络
英文关键词: Philosophy and Social Sciences; scientific research awards; performance, simultaneous equations, BP artificial neural network
俞立平 浙江工商大学 统计与数学学院 杭州 310018 
胡甲滨 浙江工商大学 统计与数学学院 杭州 310018 
摘要点击次数: 829
全文下载次数: 732
      [ 目的/ 意义] 哲学社科奖励绩效的投入产出分析一直比较缺乏,对于其中存在问题以及改进方向的研究非常必要。本文首先建立了哲学社科奖励绩效的分析框架,提出从投入要素弹性、投入要素利用效率和科研奖励的激励和反馈效应三个角度进行绩效评估,并提出采用效率完全有效的理想投入作为改进目标。[ 方法/ 过程] 基于教育部人文社科省际面板数据,综合采用联立方程模型和SBM 超效率模型评估了哲学社科奖励绩效,并采用BP 人工神经网络进行稳健性检验,同时还分析了最佳投入时哲学社科奖励的投入产出关系。[ 局限] 人文社科奖励各省存在质量异质性,无法进一步细分。[ 结果/ 结论] 哲学社科奖励绩效总体水平较低;最佳投入水平下哲学社科奖励的改进空间较大;哲学社科奖励研发人员绩效超过研发经费;学术论文和学术著作对哲学社科奖励的贡献最大;哲学社科学术著作的水平需要进一步提高。
      [Objective/Significance] There is a lack of input-output analysis on the performance of Philosophy and Social Sciences award, which is very necessary for the research of existing problems and improvement direction. This paper establishes the analysis framework of it, proposes to evaluate the performance from three aspects: input factor elasticity, input factor utilization efficiency and incentive and feedback effects of scientific research awards, and proposes to adopt the ideal input with complete effective efficiency as the improvement goal. [Methods/Processes] Based on the provincial panel data of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Ministry of education, this paper uses the simultaneous equation model and SBM super efficiency model to evaluate the performance of Philosophy and Social Sciences award, uses BP artificial neural network to test the robustness, and analyzes the input-output relationship of Philosophy and Social Sciences award when it is the best input. [Limitations] There is heterogeneity in the quality of humanities and social sciences rewards across provinces, which cannot be further subdivided.[Results/Conclusions] The results show that the overall level of the performance of Philosophy and Social Sciences award is low, there is more room for improvement of it when it is the best input, the performance of R&D personnel award exceeds R&D funds, academic papers and works have the most contribution and the level of academic works of Philosophy and Social Sciences needs to be further improved.
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