Quantitative Research on Stabilizing Economic Policies of Super Megacities from the Perspective of Response to Secondary Disasters Caused by Public Health Emergencies
中文关键词: 次生灾害;稳住经济;绿色复苏;突发公共卫生事件
英文关键词: Secondary disaster; stabilizing economic; green recovery; public health emergencies
邵鹏 西安工程大学管理学院 西安 710048 
邱小洁 西安工程大学管理学院 西安 710048 
摘要点击次数: 907
全文下载次数: 923
      [ 目的/ 意义] 突发公共卫生事件造成了社会性次生灾害,稳住经济政策在社会性次生灾害应对中如何发挥作用有待探索。[ 方法/ 过程] 本文建立了“政策工具- 政策目标”分析框架,收集超特大城市稳住经济政策,使用Nvivo12对政策文本进行扎根分析。[ 结果/ 结论] 研究发现,供给型和环境型政策工具数量相当,需求型政策工具数量相对较低;不同稳住经济目标的政策条目差异较大;在应对供求性次生灾害和应对依附性次生灾害中以需求型政策工具为主,应对收入性次生灾害中以供给型政策工具为主;超大城市、东部地区城市稳住经济政策的参考点相对较多。在政策文本分析基础上,结合后疫情时代经济社会发展现实情况,对经济绿色复苏提供启示。
      [Objectives/significance] Public health emergencies have caused social secondary disasters, and how the stabilizing economic policy plays a role in responding to social secondary disasters remains to be explored. [Methods/Processes] This paper has established a analysis framework of “policy tools - policy objectives”, collected the stable economic policies of super megacities cities, and used Nvivo12 to conduct a grounded analysis of the policy. [Results/Conclusions] The research finds that the number of supply-type and environment-type policy tools is equal, while the number of demand-type policy tools is relatively low; The policy items of different stable economic objectives vary greatly; In response to supply-demand secondary disasters and dependent secondary disasters, demand-based policy tools are mainly used, while in response to income-based secondary disasters, supply-based policy tools are mainly used; There are relatively more reference points in megacities and cities in the eastern region. On the basis of policy analysis, combined with the reality of economic and social development in the postepidemic era, it provides inspiration for the green economic recovery.
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