Research on the Relationship Between Author’s Academic Experience and Citation Counts
中文关键词: 学术经验;论文被引频次;负二项回归;论文影响力
英文关键词: Academic Experience; Citation Counts; Negative Binomial Regression Model; Impact of Paper
张丽华 1. 中国科学技术信息研究所 北京 100038;2. 山西财经大学 太原 030006 
姚长青 1. 中国科学技术信息研究所 北京 100038 
摘要点击次数: 848
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      [目的/意义]开展作者学术经验与论文被引频次的关系研究,有助于挖掘两者之间的影响关系,丰富论文学术影响力理论研究。[方法/过程]以“高被引科学家数据库”中的 194439 名科学家为研究对象,选择 Kruskal-Wallis 秩 和检验方法进行单因素方差分析,判断独著作者、第一作者和末位作者的论文被引频次是否存在差异。以 aa、h 指数、hm 指数为自变量,以总被引频次为因变量,并选择发文量、第一作者发文量、研究多样性等 11 个控制变量,采用负二项回归模型探讨作者学术经验与论文被引频次的关系。[ 局限 ] 研究对象较单一,仅选择高被引科学家进行研究。[结果/结论]当作者担任不同角色时,论文被引频次之间存在显著差异。使用负二项回归分析作者学术经验与被引频次关 系时发现,无论自变量采用 aa、h 指数还是 hm 指数,其回归系数均是一个较大的正数,说明作者学术经验确实对论文被引频次产生了积极的影响。
      [Purpose/Signficance] The research on the relationship between authors’ academic experience and citation counts of papers is helpful to explore the relationship between them and enrich the theoretical research on academic influence of papers. [Methods/Processes] 194439 scientists in the “Database of highly cited scientists” are selected as research objects. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test is used for one-way analysis of variance to determine whether there is a difference in citation counts between single author, first author and last author. With aa, h index and hm index as independent variables and total citation counts as dependent variable, 11 control variables, including the number of published papers, the number of published papers authored by first author and the diversity of research are selected, and negative binomial regression model is used to explore the relationship between authors’ academic experience and citation counts.[Limitations] The object of the study is relatively simple, and only highly cited scientists are selected. [Results/Conclusions] There are significant differences in citation counts when authors played different roles. When using negative binomial regression to analyze the relationship between the author’s academic experience and citation counts, it is found that the regression coefficient is a large positive number no matter the independent variable adopts aa, h index or hm index, indicating that the author’s academic experience does have a positive impact on the citation counts of the paper.
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