A New Evaluation Index for Academic Journals: The Ratio of Journal Citations to Downloads
中文关键词: 学术期刊评价;期刊引用下载比;引证效率;期刊引用;期刊下载
英文关键词: Academic Journal Evaluation; the Ratio of Journal Citations to Downloads; Citation Efficiency; Journal Citations; Journal Downloads
郭威 1. 上海科学技术职业学院 商贸管理学院 上海 201800 
俞立平 2. 浙江工商大学 统计与数学学院 杭州 310018 
摘要点击次数: 818
全文下载次数: 613
      [目的/意义]学术期刊评价指标众多,从期刊论文下载与被引视角设计评价指标的研究缺乏,更缺乏引证效率相关指标的研究。[方法/过程]在理论分析的基础上,提出了1个新学术期刊评价指标——期刊引用下载比 JCD,并基于中国知网的引文数据,采用下载与被引四分区模型、因子分析、回归分析研究了期刊引用下载比指标的统计与信息特征。[局限]采用环境科学与技术期刊进行的实证研究,部分依赖实证的结论可能随着学科不同、数据库不同存在一些差异,有待进一步进行深入研究。[结果/结论]期刊引用下载比是一个重要的期刊评价指标,侧重评价内在质量;期刊引用下载比呈现不同的分区特征,低下载高被引期刊的 JCD 最大,高下载低被引期刊的 JCD 最小;采用引用下载比指标评价有利于期刊提高质量;由于引用漏出问题对应用型学术期刊评价不公平,因此对于理论型与应用型学术期刊应分类评价;引用数据准确合理是期刊应用下载比的前提条件。
      [Objective/Significance] There are many evaluation indexes of academic journals, but there is a lack of research on the design of evaluation indexes from the perspective of journal paper downloads and citations, and there is also a lack of research on the indexes related to citation efficiency. [Methods/Processes] On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper proposes a new evaluation index for academic journals: The ratio of journal citations to downloads (JCD). Based on the citation data of CNKI, the statistical and information characteristics of JCD are studied by using downloads and citations four-partition model, factor analysis and regression analysis. [Limitations] This article adopts empirical research conducted in environmental science and technology journals, and some conclusions that rely on empirical research may vary with different disciplines and databases, requiring further in-depth research. [Results/Conclusions] The results show that JCD is an important journal evaluation index, focusing on the evaluation of internal quality; JCD shows different zoning characteristics, the JCD of the journals with low download and high citation is the largest, while the JCD of journals with high download and low citation is the smallest. It is beneficial to improve the quality of journals by adopting the index of JCD. Because the neglect of citation is unfair to the evaluation of applied academic journals, theoretical and applied academic journals should be evaluated in categories. Accurate and reasonable citation data is the prerequisite for JCD application.
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