Policy Analysis of “Chain Leader System” of Industrial Chain: Based on Root Theory and Co-word Network Research
中文关键词: 产业链;链长制;政策分析;扎根理论;共词网络
英文关键词: Industrial Chain; Chain Leader System; Policy Analysis; Rooting Theory; Co-word Network
基金项目:2023 年度山西省研究生实践创新项目“山西省农业多功能时空演化特征及其协同—权衡关系研究”(2023SJ217);2022年度山西省政府重大决策咨询项目“乡村振兴视角下山西支持脱贫地区发展地理标志特色产业政策究”(1206)。
曹虎伟 中北大学经济与管理学院 太原 030051 
朱向梅 中北大学经济与管理学院 太原 030051 
郭韶华 中北大学经济与管理学院 太原 030051 
摘要点击次数: 1173
全文下载次数: 1762
      [目的/意义]对已有的“链长制”政策文本进行科学梳理、提炼和分析,探讨当前我国“链长制”政策的规划方向和结构特征。[方法/过程]以 2017-2022 年中央到地方的“链长制”政策文本为原始数据,使用扎根方法提取高频关键词同时进行词频统计,并通过共词网络分析挖掘政策的共同关注点及内在关联。[局限]由于“链长制”实行时间较短,部分地区暂未推行,缺少西部地区的相关政策资料,数据样本有待丰富。[结果/结论]“链长制”以产业韧性、产业联盟、产业循环、千亿级产业为发展目标,强调链上企业的创新能力、核心技术、数字化、营收突破,政府作为“链长”在贷款补贴、人才支持、招商引资等方面作用显著;“链长制”因地制宜,在链上企业、政府作用、链的创新力等方面存在较明显的地域关注差异;“链长制”政策呈现以“产业链”为核心,以政策目标、政府职能、政策支撑、技术人才、金融支持、企业培育为六大小团体的网络结构,对政策目标的关注度最高,对技术人才与金融支持的关注力度不足。
      [Objective/ Significance] This paper composes, refines and analyzes the existing chain leader system policy texts scientifically, and discusses the planning direction and structural characteristics of the current “chain leader system” policy in China. [Methods/Processes] We use the central to local “chain leader system” policy texts from 2017 to 2022 as the original data, extract high-frequency keywords using the rooting method and conduct word frequency statistics at the same time, and explore the common concerns and inner associations of policies through co-word network analysis. [Limitations] Owing to the relatively short period of time since the implementation of the “chain leader system”, it has not yet been implemented in some regions, resulting in a lack of information on relevant policies in the western region, and the data sample needs to be enriched. [Results/Conclusions] The “chain leader system” aims at industrial resilience, industrial alliance, industrial cycle, and 100 billion dollar industry, and emphasizes the innovation ability, core technology, digitalization, and revenue breakthrough of the chain enterprises. The government as the “chain leader” plays a significant role in loan subsidies, talent support, investment attraction, etc.; The “chain leader system” is adapted to local conditions, and there are obvious geographical differences in the chain enterprises, the role of the government, and the innovation power of the chain, etc.; The “chain leader system” policy presents a network structure with the “industrial chain” as the core and policy objectives, government functions, policy support, technical talents, financial support and enterprise cultivation as the six small groups, with the highest degree of attention to policy objectives and insufficient attention to technical talents and financial support.
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