Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Usage and the Impact of Articles from Materials Science High-level Articles
中文关键词: 材料科学;学术文章;高水平论文;使用次数;影响力
英文关键词: Materials Sciences; Academic Papers; High-level Articles; Usage Counts; Impact
基金项目:2020年天津市哲学社会科学规划项目 “多源异构数据的学术论文评价体系构建与实践探索研究”(TJTQ20-001)。
匡登辉 南开大学图书馆 天津 300071 
摘要点击次数: 734
全文下载次数: 789
      [目的/意义]探索材料科学高水平论文基于使用数据、被引数据、合作者数据的科学评价,从定量角度揭示高质量学术论文的使用情况及其影响因素。[方法/过程]选取 Web of Science 提供的数据,以 Nature Reviews Materials、Nature Energy 刊载的高水平论文(HCP、HP)为分析对象,遴选使用数据(U1、U2),引文数据(TC),合作者数量(Coauthor)作为研究指标,分析论文使用和被引的相关关系以及论文质量、文献类型及作者数量对两者关系的调节作用,根据研究发现提出相应的建议。[局限]用户使用动机与使用请求的关系及特定使用请求类型对文献的兴趣程度需要进一步研究,样本数据目前限于材料学科,需要扩充。[结果/结论]顶级期刊高水平论文的引用率超过 52%,超过 61% 的论文使用次数在两次以上。高影响力论文的指标数据较为分散、随机,差异较大,但均值均高于样本总体的均值。高影响力论文的引文数据和使用数据存在正的相关关系,高被引论文的合作者数量与使用数据存在正的弱相关,热点论文的合作者数量与使用数据相关关系不明确。两本顶级期刊的热点论文,使用数据无显著差异。综述类论文获得较高的使用次数和引用频次。
      [Purpose/Significance] Explore the establishment of scientific evaluation of high-impact papers in Materials Science based on top journals usage count, citation data and coauthors. From a quantitative point of view, the use of high-quality academic papers and their influencing factors are revealed. [Methods/Processes] Select data of Web of Science platform, with Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Energy’s high-impact papers (HCP, HP) as the analysis object, select usage data (U1, U2),citation data (TC) and Coauthors as the research indicators, the correlation between usage and citations of papers and the moderating effects of paper quality, document type and number of authors on the relationship are analyzed. Finally, corresponding recommendations are made based on the findings of the study. [Limitations] The relationship between user motivation and use requests, and the degree of interest in literature of specific use request types, require further research, and sample data are limited to material disciplines and need to be expanded at present. [Result/Conclusion] The citation rate of top journals was more than 52%, and more than 61% of papers were used more than twice. The index data of high-impact thesis are more dispersed, random and different, but the mean is higher than the mean of the sample population. There is a positive correlation between the citation data and the usage data of high-impact papers, the number of collaborators in high-impact papers is positively correlated with the use of data, and the number of collaborators in hot papers is not clearly related to the use of data. There was no significant difference in Hot Paper data between the two top journals. Review papers are used more often and cited frequently.
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