Success Factors on Female Winner of Three Talents Plans
中文关键词: 女性高层次科技工作者; 长江学者;百人计划;杰出青年基金;女性科技工作者;高层次科技工作者;成功 因素
英文关键词: female scientific and technical workers of high-level, Cheung Kong Scholars Programme, Hundred Talents Program, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, female scientific and technical workers, high-level scientific and technical workers, success factors
彭洁,王运红,李大玲 中国科学技术信息研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2457
全文下载次数: 3096
      分析女性获奖者成功因素,有助于探索其全面、健康、可持续发展的基本规律,有助于促进女性高层次科 技工作者的培养。文章以获得长江学者奖励计划、杰出青年基金和百人计划三大人才奖励计划的女性群体为研究对象, 分析年龄、学习工作经历、获得其他奖励与女性获奖者成功的关系,提出了建立允许人才合理流动的管理机制,促进有 女性科技工作者参加的学术团队的建设,特别是跨学科、跨领域和跨机构的合作,设立女性科技工作者专项奖励机制, 设立多种女性科技工作者奖励计划,消除性别偏见,统一退休年龄等建议。
      Analyzing the success factors on the female scientific and technical workers of high-level could not only explore the overall and healthy basic rule for sustainable development, but also promote the education of female scientific and technical workers of high-level. On researching the women who have got one of these three incentive plans which are Cheung Kong Scholars Programme , Hundred Talents Program and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars by her age, her experience of studying and working as well as the relationship between the success and other reward she has received , the following suggestions are proposed .First ,it is necessary to set up a management mechanism permitting the rational talent flow. Then , encourage the female scientific and technical workers to join an academic research team , especially the interdisciplinary and cross-organizational cooperation. Next , found a specialized reward on the female scientific and technical workers ,or all kinds of incentive plans. Lastly , eliminate sexual prejudice and unify the retirement age .
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