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作者:来源:发布时间:2019/5/29 21:47:58浏览量:5494

  《全球科技经济瞭望》创刊于1986年,是由中国科学技术信息研究所主办的一本综合性的学术期刊。 该刊以刊登高层科研人员对国外主要发达国家的科技经济发展政策、主要科技领域的发展现状、科技经济发展计划、科技经济管理及最新科研创新成果等方面的学术研究为其主要内容,为科研人员提供了一个发表学术研究成果的重要平台。同时,也为促进我国科技经济发展,开展对外科技交流与技贸合作提供了重要的参考。

  “Quanqiu Keji Jingji Liaowang” which started publication in 1986 is a comprehensive academic periodical and sponsored by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China. The periodical publishes academic researches on development policies of science and technology and economypresent development of the main fields of science and technologydevelopment plans of science and technology and economyscience and technology and economy management and the latest innovative achievementsand so on. It provides an important platform to deliver academic studies and an important reference for promoting science and technology and economy development of our country and developing technological exchange and technology and trade cooperation.


   The chief feature of Quanqiu Keji Jingji Liaowang are technicalityfrontierreadability and worthy of collection and having new contentsfast information by distinctive contributions channels. And the periodical gives preference to papers with new ideas, new theories and new methods to guarantee high academic standards.


   The readership of Quanqiu Keji Jingji Liaowang are government departments, research academies and institutesuniversities and collegeshigh-tech enterpriseslibraries and the people who are engage in the sudty of science and technology policiesscience and technology and economy plan and managementbusiness administration and postgraduate students and other researchers with relevant speciality.


   The column of Quanqiu Keji Jingji Liaowang are related topics on hot spots in science and technology and economy developmentpolicies researchesscience and technology and economyscience and technology plan and managementeconomy managementscience and technology assessmentinvestigation reportsresearches and lessonsinnovation developmentthe latest trends of foreign science and technology developmentand so on.