刘宇,孙凯骋.组织认同与科研产出:基于信息资源管理学科教师的实证研究[J].数字图书馆论坛,2024,20(5):68~78 |
组织认同与科研产出:基于信息资源管理学科教师的实证研究 |
Organizational Identity and Research Performance: An Empirical Study Based on Faculties in Information Resource Management |
投稿时间:2024-02-13 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1673-2286.2024.05.008 |
中文关键词: 组织认同;科研产出;高校教师;信息资源管理;人力资源管理 |
英文关键词: Organizational Identity; Research Performance; University Faculty; Information Resource Management; Human Resource Management |
基金项目:本研究得到国家社会科学基金一般项目“中国人文社会科学领域的学术诚信观念与行为研究”(编号:20BTQ019)资助。 |
作者 | 单位 | 刘宇 | 云南大学新闻学院 | 孙凯骋 | 云南大学历史与档案学院 |
摘要点击次数: 424 |
全文下载次数: 621 |
中文摘要: |
科研产出对于教师职业发展具有重要的推动作用,单位制的削弱为高校教师的职业发展提供了流动空间,这为探讨中国情景下高校教师的组织认同与科研产出之间的关系赋予了极强的现实意义。以全国招收“信息资源管理”专业(原为“图书情报与档案管理”)学术型研究生的所有院校的师资力量为研究对象,在控制人口统计学变量、教育背景和岗位特征因素的条件下,考察组织认同对教师的中外文科研产出的影响。研究发现,人口统计学变量、教育背景、岗位特征等因素对科研产出的影响与已有研究结果基本一致,然而,组织认同对科研产出的作用复杂。具体来说,组织认同会正向影响外文科研产出,但负向影响中文科研产出。这一结果表明高校管理机构在培养组织认同过程中需要激发科研人员的工作积极性,在坚持国际化的同时鼓励“把论文写在祖国的大地上”。 |
英文摘要: |
Research output plays an important and positive role in the career development of faculties. The weakening of the unit system provides mobility for the occupational mobility of university faculties. Therefore, it is of strong practical significance to explore the relationship between organizational identity and research output of university faculties in the Chinese context. The study takes the faculties of all universities that recruit academic graduate students majoring in Information Resource Management (formerly named as Library, Information and Archives Management) as the research object. Under the control of demographic variables, educational background, and job characteristics, the research examines the impact of organizational identity on research output published at home and abroad. The study finds that the impacts of demographic variables, educational background, and job characteristics are consistent with the research findings of previous empirical literature. However, the impact of organizational dentity on research output is complex. Specifically, organizational identity has a positive impact on foreign languae research output, but a negative impact on Chinese research output. The finding shows that the administration of universities needs to stimulate the research enthusiasm of faculties in the process of cultivating organizational identity, as well as encourage publishing papers in Chinese scholarly journals while promoting international scientific communication. |
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