System Dynamics Simulation Analysis of Users’ Participation Motivation in Open Government Data Privacy Risk Collaborative Governance
中文关键词: 政府开放数据;用户参与;协同治理;隐私治理;动力因素;系统动力学仿真
英文关键词: Open Government Data; User Participation; Collaborative Governance; Privacy Governance; Dynamic Factor; System Dynamics Simulation
袁静 郑州大学信息管理学院;郑州市数据科学研究中心 
刘昭辉 郑州大学信息管理学院 
李森涛 郑州大学信息管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 462
全文下载次数: 965
      The paper explores the dynamic factors of users’ participation in collaborative governance of open government data privacy risks in order to provide practical reference for improving user participation behavior and collaborative governance efficiency. Based on social cognition theory, self-efficacy theory, and motivation-hygiene theory, this paper discusses dynamic factors of users’ participation from three aspects, that is the guiding force of external environment, the driving force of platform factors, and the internal drive of users, and then uses the method of system dynamics for simulation analysis. Simulation analysis results show that there are significant differences in the influencing degree of each dynamic factor on users’ willingness to participate in the governance of open government data privacy risks. Privacy security needs, collaborative governance policies, and platform performance are the key dynamic factors in each subsystem, and the overall influencing degree of users’ own internal drive is higher than that of the environmental guiding force and platform driving force. Based on the results and analysis, suggestions are proposed from the perspectives of privacy literacy, governance policies, and platform construction.
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