Irfan Ahmed Soomro,范宇宾,郭唯娜,柯长青.基于SBAS-InSAR技术的巨野煤田沉降监测[J].高技术通讯(中文),2021,31(3):333~340
Surface subsidence monitoring in Juye coalfield based on SBAS-InSAR technology
中文关键词: 小基线集雷达干涉测量(SBAS-InSAR); 煤炭开采; 矿区沉降; 巨野煤田
英文关键词: small baseline subset interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SBAS-InSAR), exploitation of coal mining, subsidence of the mining area, Juye coalfield
Irfan Ahmed Soomro  
摘要点击次数: 2181
全文下载次数: 1360
      Excessive exploitation of mineral resources can easily induce ground deformation and other geological disasters, which poses a serious threat to the production and lives of the mining area. 21 Sentinel-1A scenes from May 2017 to November 2018 are adopted, then a connection chart is generated by setting the temporal (365d) and spatial (2371m) baselines. Based on this, the image pairs are interfered by small baseline subset (SBAS) technique. The parameters of land subsidence are inverted through the generated interferometric phase, and the deformation field and point monitoring sequence of the Juye coalfield are obtained. The results show that the cumulative settlement over 24mm occurs in 87.12% of the land in Juye coalfield, and the maximum land subsidence occurs in Guotun coal mine, the settlement rate is 45mm/a and the cumulative settlement is more than 70mm. The land subsidence in Juye coalfield is caused by natural and human factors, of which the exploitation of coal mine and the overuse of groundwater are the main reasons. Compared with the leveling data, the overall trend of subsidence monitoring is consistent, which demonstrates that the surface deformation monitoring results based on the small baseline subset interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SBAS-InSAR) method are reliable. It provides a reference basis for rational exploitation of mineral resources and environmental protection in mining areas.
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