Study on the Significance of the Patent Citation for Information Science on the View of Patent Law
中文关键词: 专利法,专利评价,专利引用行为
英文关键词: Patent law, patent evaluation, patent citation behavior
李睿 四川大学公共管理学院信息资源管理系 
张谙宁 四川大学公共管理学院信息资源管理系 
摘要点击次数: 2721
全文下载次数: 2155
      专利不仅是科技文献,更是法律文件,客观研读世界各国专利法对专利引用行为的具体规定, 是正确认识专利引用行为及其产出的专利引文的情报学意义的基础和前提。本文翻译并解读了美国专 利法规、欧洲专利法规、日本专利法规和中国专利法规有关专利引用行为的条款,首次在专利法视域 下清晰地阐述了专利引文的法定功能。鉴于目前情报学界的专利引文评价指标体系通常以计量“被引” 为主,本文大胆地提出:基于专利法对专利引用行为的相关规定,专利的价值应当与专利的“施引” 密切相关性,研究专利的引用行为及相应的施引频次,应当在分析和预见专利价值方面具有重要的情 报学意义。
      Patent is not only a scientific and technical literature but also a legal document. An objective study of patent laws in the specific provisions of the patent cited behavior around the world is a foundation and premise for correct understanding of the patent citing behavior and the significance of patent citation in information science. This article translated and interpreted the provisions of the US Patent Statute, the European Patent Statute, the Japanese Patent Statute and the Chinese Patent Statute on the patent citing behavior. The legal function of the patent citation was clearly explained in the patent law field for the first time. In view of the current evaluation system of patent citation information are usually based on the "citation", this paper proposed that based on the relevant provisions of the patent citation behavior from the patent laws, the value of the patent shall be closely related to the "application" of the patent. The results also suggested that the research in citation behavior of patents and the corresponding frequency of citation should be of great informational significance in the analysis and prediction of the value of patents.
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