王迪,王东雨.基于 WOS 的互联网信息政策分析[J].情报工程,2016,2(5):086-092
基于 WOS 的互联网信息政策分析
Analysis on Information Policies of Internet Based On Web of Science
中文关键词: 网络信息政策,Citespace,可视化分析
英文关键词: Network information policy, CiteSpace, visualized analysis
王迪 河北大学管理学院 
王东雨 河北大学管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 2777
全文下载次数: 1912
      本研究总结国外互联网信息政策领域的研究进展和经验,为我国互联网信息政策体系发展和 构建提供参考。研究以 Web of Science 数据库为数据源,运用可视化分析软件 CiteSpace 对 2000— 2015 年间收录的互联网信息政策论文从国家、作者、机构、关键词等多个角度绘制互联网信息政策 领域的知识图谱,通过分析可以看出国外互联网信息政策的研究态势和研究成果,相比国外,我国互 联网信息政策法律不齐全,信息政策研究有待加深,必须在吸收借鉴国外先进经验的基础上结合我国 互联网国情,制定互联网法律政策。
      This study used the visualization software CiteSpace to analyze the published articles of internet information policies from year 2000 to year 2015 which are recorded in the Web of Science database. The mapping knowledge domains included the country distribution, institution distribution, cited journal, cited author and keywords in the field. The results showed the research progress and achievements of foreign countries, and the result also indicated that compared with the foreign countries, the internet information policy was inadequate and the research of internet information policy need to be deepen. Moreover, this research also suggested that the policy making of internet information in China should be combined with the current situation of internet development of China.
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