佟贺丰,杨岩.基于系统动力学模型的中国城市生活垃圾回收过 程中的就业问题研究[J].情报工程,2016,2(5):104-111
基于系统动力学模型的中国城市生活垃圾回收过 程中的就业问题研究
Employment of Municipal Solid Waste Sorting Collection in China Cities Based on System Dynamics Model
中文关键词: 城市生活垃圾,分类收集,系统动力学,就业,模型
英文关键词: Municipal solid waste, sorting collection, system dynamics, employment, model
基金项目:本文受 SMALL SCALE FUNDING AGREEMENT of United Nations Environment Program (CP/4050-10-68), 中国科学 技术信息研究所预研基金项目(YY2016-12)的资助
佟贺丰 中国科学技术信息研究所 
杨岩 中国科学技术信息研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3297
全文下载次数: 2804
      城市生活垃圾的生产、收集、处理、处置过程涉及多个环节,是一个复杂系统。本研究使用系 统动力学的方法对城市生活垃圾处理的整个流程进行梳理并建模,从经济、社会和环境的大视角出发, 分析和解决城市生活垃圾问题,特别是对回收过程中的非正式就业问题进行研究。模型把城市生活垃 圾回收分为三个环节,其中前两个环节存在大量的非正式就业,这个问题急需重视,政府需要逐步有 序地取代或整改不正规的垃圾回收环节,改善垃圾回收从业人员工作条件。
      The municipal solid waste (MSW) is a complex system that included four aspects: generation, collection, treatment and disposal. This paper builded a system dynamics model to simulate the system of municipal solid waste from the perspective of economy, society and environment. The model focused on the informal employment in the process of MSW sorting collection. The MSW recycling includes three steps, and there are large numbers of informal employment in the first two steps. According to the results, the government should pay more attention to the MSW problem, gradually and orderly to replace MSW collection or rectification of informal steps, improve the working conditions of employees in MSW collection.
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