游光荣.广泛吸纳全社会创新资源, 加快军事装备预研改革步伐[J].情报工程,2017,3(4):015-022
广泛吸纳全社会创新资源, 加快军事装备预研改革步伐
Admitting the Whole Society’s Innovative Resources and Speeding up the Reform of Military Equipment R&D
中文关键词: 军民融合,装备预研,国防科技
英文关键词: Civil-military integration, advanced research, defense technology
游光荣 北京系统工程研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3015
全文下载次数: 1989
      中央军委装备发展部2016 年8 月1 日首次发布装备预研指南,这笔20 亿元的“大单”引起了全社会高度关注。2017 年4 月11 日,中央军委装备发展部再放“大招”,发布2017 年装备预研共用技术项目和领域基金项目指南,送出一笔近60 亿元的“大单”,大大激发了各类科研单位投身装备预研的积极性主动性创造性。在军民融合上升为国家战略的新形势下,如何看待国防科技和武器装备这一重点领域取得的新进展?如何认识装备预研的地位和定位?如何适应装备预研改革举乘势而上?本文就这三个问题谈谈自己的初步看法,并尝试做有关政策解读。
      The Equipment Development Department(EDD) of the Central Military Commission of the PRC issued its first advanced research guidance on equipment development with financial support of 2 billion yuan in August 1, 2016, and this “big order” attracted great attention of the whole society. Moreover, The EDD raised the upper limit of this financial support to 60 billion yuan in April 11,2017, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all kinds of scientific research institutions which eager to join the advanced research of military equipment. Under the new situation which the civil-military integration rising as a national strategy, this article explain the initial views of the authors and try to interpret the relevant policies from three different aspects: 1) How to look upon the new progress made in the key areas of defense technology and weaponry? 2) How to understand the position and orientation of military equipment advanced research? 3) How to adapt to the momentum of military equipment development reform.
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