Research on the Hot Topics of References Based on Social Network Analysis
中文关键词: 参考文献;期刊论文;社会网络分析;计量分析;共现分析;可视化
英文关键词: References; periodical thesis; social network analysis; bibliometric analysis; co-occurrence analysis; visualization
基金项目:青岛农业大学2019 年度继续教育研究课题“ 新型职业农民网络信息知识培育模式研究”(JXJY201914)。
石勇 青岛农业大学图书馆 
于国强 青岛农业大学图书馆 
郑满生 青岛农业大学图书馆 
摘要点击次数: 1731
全文下载次数: 1538
      为了系统了解参考文献研究现状,促进参考文献著录规范化,完善参考文献著录标准。本文以CNKI 中国期刊全文数据库中收录的参考文献相关文献为研究对象,应用信息计量学方法和社会网络分析法,借助UCINET 和NetDraw 等软件,对参考文献研究的时间分布、空间分布、作者分布和主题热点进行分析。结果表明,参考文献研究在进入21 世纪后开始受到高度关注;编辑出版和图书情报相关刊物是参考文献研究的重要学术交流阵地;形成了编辑出版界和图书情报界为主力的核心作者;“ 科技期刊”、“ 著录规则”、“ 著录格式” 成为参考文献研究热点,其主题围绕参考文献著录基本问题、参考文献著录标准、参考文献管理软件展开。
      In order to understand the current situation of reference research systematically, promote the standardization of reference description, improve the description standard, this paper based on the literatures related to reference collected by CNKI Chinese Journal Full-text Database, using the methods of bibliometrics and social networks, with the software of UCINET and NetDraw, to study the time distribution, spatial distribution, author distribution and hot topic of reference research. The results showed that reference studies have been highly focused since the beginning of the 21st century. Editing -publishing, libraryinformation related journals are important academic archive of the reference research. It forms the core authors of editing-publishing and Library-Information circles as the main researchers. “Sci-tech periodicals”, “rules for description”, “description format” have become the hot topics of reference research, which target at the basic problems of description, description standard and management software of reference.
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