杨倩,刘桂锋.国家公务员招考对图情档人才的需求分析——基于 2016-2020 年国考职位表数据[J].情报工程,2020,6(5):078-089
国家公务员招考对图情档人才的需求分析——基于 2016-2020 年国考职位表数据
An Analysis of the Demand for Library, Information and Archives Talents in the Examination of National Civil Servants——Based on 2016-2020 National Examination Position Table Data
中文关键词: 国家公务员;图书情报与档案管理;职位表;需求分析
英文关键词: National civil servant; library information and archives management; position list; demand analysis
基金项目:国家社会科学基金一般项目 “ 开放科学理念下的科研数据治理研究 ”(17BTQ025)。
杨倩 江苏大学科技信息研究所 
刘桂锋 江苏大学科技信息研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2216
全文下载次数: 1904
      图书情报与档案管理类专业就业方向多元,有意向进入国家公务员系统的毕业生应满足国家公务员招考职位的要求。本文以 2016-2020 年国家公务员职位表为研究对象,通过统计图书情报与档案管理类相关专业的职位,分析其职位学历、政治面貌、性别、应届生身份、户口地或生源地、工作经验、工作技能的要求,职位的地域分布特征、属性特点,以及招录机构和用人司局的信息,梳理了国家公务员招考对图书情报与档案管理类相关专业人才的需求现状。最后,从毕业生、人才培养单位和公务员考选制度三个方面提出对策建议,为图书情报与档案管理类专业人才报考提供参考。
      The employment direction of library information and archives management specialty is diversified.Graduates who intend to enter the national civil serviceshould meet the requirements of national civil servant recruitment. This paper takes the national civil servant position table from 2016-2020 as the research object, analyzes the position education background, political status, gender, fresh student identity, registered residence or source, work experience, job skills requirements, geographical distribution characteristics and attribute characteristics of positions,as well as the information of recruitment institutions or employment departments, This paper combs the current situation of the demand for library information and archives management related professionals in the recruitment of national civil servants. Finally, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from three aspects of graduates, personnel training units and civil servants’ examination and selection system, so as to provide reference for talents majoring in library information and archives management.
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