万晨,胡小飞.基于文献计量和复杂网络的环境/ 生态学高被引论文分析[J].情报工程,2021,7(1):115-125
基于文献计量和复杂网络的环境/ 生态学高被引论文分析
Analysis of Highly Cited Papers in Environmental/Ecological Disciplines Based on the Bibliometric and Complex Network
中文关键词: 环境/ 生态学;高被引论文;国际合作;复杂网络
英文关键词: Environmental/ecology; highly cited papers; international cooperation; complex network
万晨 1. 江西省华赣环境集团有限公司 南昌 330096;2. 南昌大学管理学院 南昌 330031 
胡小飞 2. 南昌大学管理学院 南昌 330031 
摘要点击次数: 2643
全文下载次数: 1903
      [ 目的/ 意义] 分析和研究环境/ 生态学科的现状及国际学术合作情况,旨在了解我国在该领域范围内的优势及不足,为我国未来生态环境领域的科研活动以及国家合作方向提供借鉴。[ 方法/ 过程]本文以2009—2019 年WOS 核心数据库中的5640 篇环境/ 生态学科高被引论文为数据源,对时空分布与影响力进行计量分析,同时运用复杂网络分析法,构建国际合作网络结构,探析合作的现状和特点。[ 结果/ 结论] 结果显示:环境/ 生态学高被引论文的国际合作研究呈现积极上升态势,各国间知识流动日益频繁,但国家间合作分布异质性明显。中国在该学科高被引论文发表数以绝对优势占居领先地位,但论文国际合作比例偏低,未来需要加强论文的原始创新,提高研究成果的国际影响力。
      [Purpose / Significance] To analyze and study the current research status and international academic cooperation in the field of environment/ecology, in order to understand China’s advantages and disadvantages in this field, and to provide reference for China’s future scientific research activities in the field of ecological environment and the direction of national cooperation. [Methods/Process] In this paper, 5640 highly cited papers of environmental/ecological disciplines in WOS core database from 2009 to 2019 are used as data sources to conduct the quantitative analysis on spatial and temporal distribution and influence.Meanwhile, complex network analysis is used to construct the network structure of international cooperation and explore the current situation and characteristics of cooperation.[Results /Conclusions] The results showed that the international cooperative research of highly cited papers in environment/ecology presented a positive trend, and the knowledge flow among countries was increasingly frequent, but the distribution of cooperation among countries was heterogeneous. China has a leading position in the number of highly cited papers published in this discipline, but the proportion of international cooperation in papers is relatively low. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen the original innovation of papers and improve the international influence of research results.
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