Build an Intelligence-Support Network Public Opinion Governance System
中文关键词: 情报系统;网络舆情;治理;信息技术
英文关键词: Intelligence system; network public opinion; governance; information technology.
张世贵 中央党校(国家行政学院) 北京 100089 
刘海军 中央党校(国家行政学院) 北京 100089 
摘要点击次数: 1666
全文下载次数: 3521
      [目的 / 意义]面对疫情等突发事件,情报系统未能有效发力,反映出政府信息治理与应急决策水平的相对滞后与不足,加强网络舆情应对、提升信息治理能力成为迫切需要。[方法 / 过程]借鉴军事学网络中心战思想,尝试以情报为支撑实现信息战、情报战、舆论战统合,辅以已有研究结论,剖析面临的困境及成因,构建由治理信息向信息治理、由舆情引导向情报主导转化的破解之道。[结果 / 结论]按照优化作战力量、调整任务重心、健全指挥体系、完善机构设置等基本思路,打通基于情报流转的网络舆情战闭合回路,实现情报服务功能向信息治理能力跃升,着力提升情报 /信息在化解网络意识形态危机、加快国家治理现代化中的地位作用。
      [Purpose/Significance] The insufficient power of the intelligence system in emergency events reflects the deficiencies of the government’s information governance and emergency decision-making ability. Therefore, it becomes an urgent need to strengthen the response to online public opinions and enhance the information governance capacity. [Method/Process] By referring to the thought of the central warfare of the military network and the existing research conclusions, this paper tries to integrate the information warfare, intelligence warfare and public opinion warfare to one theory which could treat the intelligence as support. It will transform the governance information to the information governance, and the public opinion guidance to the intelligence guidance by analyzing the difficulties and their reasons. [Results/Conclusion] In accordance with the basic ideas of optimizing combat forces, adjusting the mission focus, improving the command system and institutional settings, trying to build a closed loop for the network public opinion warfare based on intelligence flow, make a leap from intelligence service function to information governance capability, and improve the role of intelligence/information to resolve network ideology crisis and accelerate modernization of national governance.
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