杨志发,盛玮芮,张虹冕,刘晶晶.基于 DEA 方法的科技企业孵化器绩效评价与对策研究 —— 以安徽省为例[J].情报工程,2024,10(4):073-083
基于 DEA 方法的科技企业孵化器绩效评价与对策研究 —— 以安徽省为例
Research on Performance Evaluation and Countermeasures of Technology Business Incubators Based on DEA Method: A Case Study of Anhui Province
中文关键词: 科技企业孵化器;DEA;绩效评价;指标体系
英文关键词: Technology Business Incubator; DEA; Performance Evaluation; Indicator System
基金项目:2023 年安徽省创新环境建设专项“新一轮机构改革形势下加强安徽省级科技部门创新资源统筹协调体制机制及对策研究”(202306f01050024)。
杨志发 安徽省科学技术情报研究所 合肥 230011 
盛玮芮 安徽省科学技术情报研究所 合肥 230011 
张虹冕 安徽省农村与社会科技发展中心 合肥 230031 
刘晶晶 安徽省科学技术情报研究所 合肥 230011 
摘要点击次数: 95
全文下载次数: 123
      [Objective/Significance] Conducting performance evaluation on technology business incubators not only helps improve their own operational management level, but also has important significance for government departments to formulate targeted policies to guide the healthy development of incubators. [Methods/Processes] This article uses the DEA method to take the human, material, and financial resources invested in technology business incubators as input variables, and the economic, incubation, and social benefits as output variables to construct a performance evaluation index system. Using relevant statistical data of technology business incubators in Anhui Province from 2019 to 2022,the comprehensive technical efficiency,pure technical efficiency, and scale efficiency of technology business incubators in 16 cities throughout the province were empirically analyzed. [Limitations] The DEA method has limitations on the number of input-output indicators, and further refinement of the impact indicators is needed in subsequent research. [Results/Conclusions] Research has found that technology business incubators in most cities in Anhui Province are in the effective state of DEA, but some cities such as Bengbu, Fuyang and Huangshan have not achieved the best input-output benefits. Based on research conclusions and combined with field research ,this article proposes countermeasures and suggestions for the future development of technology business incubators.
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