王仲成.英国科技资源的统筹利用和优化配置 ——以政府财政科技经费投入为例[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2012,27(3):5~10
英国科技资源的统筹利用和优化配置 ——以政府财政科技经费投入为例
Rational utilization and optimization distribution of science and technology resources in UK——An example of secience and technology funding by government
投稿时间:2011-11-18  修订日期:2011-11-18
中文关键词: 英国;科技资源;科技经费
英文关键词: UK; science and technology resources; secience and technology funding
王仲成 中国科学技术交流中心 
摘要点击次数: 3249
全文下载次数: 3194
      The paper mainly focuses on science and technology funding of UK government and the coordination mechanism among government departments. After 1990s, as a result of governments’ promotion and revolution, science and technology funding of UK government is dominated by BIS(Department for Business Innovation and Skill) and supplemented by other departments. At the same time the coordination mechanism among departments depends on Government Office for Science and Technology. The funding by UK government is divided into 3 types: One for the project funding according to different research areas, which is allocated directly by BIS to seven major research councils; the second for the staff and conditions for scientific research funding, which is also allocated directly by BIS to Committee on Higher Education Fund. The previous two types of funding are often called “Dual Support System”. The third type of funding is Science and Technology Input from various government departments, which is mainly for his own department’s decision-making support based on these funding. From the UK’s whole government system, only BIS, on behalf of central government, dominates the allocation of science and technology funding from government while there is no dedicated funding for science and technology from the local governments, which mainly provide public services for the people.
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