陈敬全.欧盟生物能源发展现状和相关政策研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2012,27(3):21~35 |
欧盟生物能源发展现状和相关政策研究 |
On the status of bioenergy development and related policies in EU |
投稿时间:2011-11-16 修订日期:2011-11-16 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1009-8623.2012.03.004 |
中文关键词: 欧盟;生物能源;热电联产;能源政策 |
英文关键词: EU; biofuel; heat and power co-production; energy policy |
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中文摘要: |
生物能源是指源于生物质的各种形式的可再生能源。生物能源长期以来是欧盟能源结构中比重最大的可再生能源,自2000年以来发展尤其迅速。生物能源在消费总量上在各类可再生能源中占据绝对优势,而且一直呈稳定增长态势,在欧盟可再生能源消费总量中的比重稳步提升,从2000年的60.6%上升到了2009年的68.6%。本文综合分析了欧盟生物能源的发展现状和未来动向,介绍了欧盟促进生物能源发展的主要政策措施,分析了近年来欧盟生物能源发展面临的主要争议和欧委会为此实施的生物能源可持续性认证制度,希望为我国生物能源发展提供借鉴。 |
英文摘要: |
Biofuel is all kinds of renewable energy originating biomass. Biofuel has been the largest portion of renewable energy in EU for a long time and developed fastly since 2000. Biofuel has an absolute advantage in the total consumption of all kinds of renewable energy and keeps steady growth,whose proportion in the total consumption of renewable energy of EU is steadily promted from 60.6 percent of 2000 to 68.6 percent of 2009. The paper analyzed the status and trends of bioenergy development in EU and introduced the main policy measures undertaken by EU to support and advance bioenergy development. Then the paper summarized the main arguments on EU’s bioenergy development and the sustainability scheme undertaken by EC recently. Finally, the paper put forward some viewpoints on the reference of EU’s experience for the development of bioenergy in China. |
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