张志勤.欧盟支持创新型中小企业发展的新举措[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2012,27(3):41~46 |
欧盟支持创新型中小企业发展的新举措 |
New measures of EU to support innovative small and medium enterprieses |
投稿时间:2011-12-06 修订日期:2011-12-06 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1009-8623.2012.03.006 |
中文关键词: 欧盟;创新型中小企业;风险投资;投资基金 |
英文关键词: EU; innovative SMEs; venture capital; investment fund |
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摘要点击次数: 3074 |
全文下载次数: 3071 |
中文摘要: |
支持中小企业的发展,特别是扶持创新型中小企业的健康发展是欧盟各项战略、主要经济政策的重要组成部分。欧盟及其成员国长期坚持持续地健全政策制度、落实措施行动、保护知识产权、完善创新环境、改进支撑服务、崇尚企业精神和普及科学素养等,建立了世界上迄今为止相对完善的一整套支持创新型中小企业发展的法制政策体系。本文从研究欧盟及其成员国企业的总体现状、创新型中小企业发展的状况及特点入手,分析了欧盟支持中小企业发展的政策措施及新举措,介绍了欧洲投资银行在支持创新型中小企业发展、解决投融资难题等方面发挥的突出作用,可供我国借鉴参考。 |
英文摘要: |
Supporting the development of small and medium enterprises, especially the sound development of innovative small and medium enterprises is an important part of strategies and main economical policies in EU. EU and its members have insisted on improving policy system continuously, implementing actions, protecting intellectual properties, perfecting innovation environment, ameliorating service, advocating enterprise spirit and propagating scientific literacies for a long time and established a relatively perfect policis and laws system to support innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) development in the world so far. The paper studied the status of the enterprieses, especially the development and characters of innovative (SMEs) in EU and its member states, analyzed the instruments and new approaches of EU to support the development of SMEs and introduced the prominent role of European Investment Bank in supporting the development of innovative SMEs and addressing the investment and financing problems of SMEs, which could be a reference to China. |
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