陈柳钦.中国生物质发电问题探讨[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2012,27(3):47~54 |
中国生物质发电问题探讨 |
Study on China’s biomass power generation |
投稿时间:2011-11-24 修订日期:2011-11-24 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1009-8623.2012.03.007 |
中文关键词: 生物质;生物质能;生物质发电;石化能源时代;后石化能源时代 |
英文关键词: biomass; biomass energy; biomass power generation; era of fossil energy; post-fossil energy era |
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摘要点击次数: 3271 |
全文下载次数: 2768 |
中文摘要: |
生物质能是一种脱颖而出的新能源,生物质发电产业前景广阔。中国生物质发电产业蜿蜒前行,任重道远。为了促进生物质发电产业在中国健康持续、又好又快地发展,笔者建议:第一,做好资源调查和评价,精心编制发展规划;第二,培育生物质发电产业链;第三,完善生物质发电的标准与规范;第四,完善我国生物质发电定价和费用分摊机制;第五,推行并完善绿色配额制度;第六,制定促进生物质发电产业发展的财税政策和投融资政策,建立稳定的投入机制;第七,支持技术研究开发和设备制造,加强生物质发电产业技术创新;第八,开展生物质发电的宣传和培训工作,等等。 |
英文摘要: |
Biomass is an outstanding new energy. Biomass power generation industry has a promising prospect. China’s biomass power industry has a long way to go before winding the line. In order to promote a rapid and sound development of biomass power industry in China, we propose that resources survey and evaluation should be made and development plans should be well compiled firstly; secondly, cultivate biomass power industry chain should be cultivated; thirdly, the biomass power generation standards and specifications should be improved; fourthly, the pricing and cost-sharing mechanisms of biomass power generationshould be improved; fifthly, the green quota system should be implemented and improved; sixthly, finance and taxation policies and investment and financing policies to promote the development of biomass power generation industry should be made and a stable investment mechanism should be established; seventhly, technology research and development and equipment manufacture should be supported and biomass industrial technology innovation should be enhanced; eighthly, publicity and training of biomass power generation should be carried out, and so on. |
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