陈永宁.2011年葡萄牙科技发展状况[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2012,27(7):27~31 |
2011年葡萄牙科技发展状况 |
Science and technology development of Portugal in 2011 |
投稿时间:2012-01-12 修订日期:2012-01-12 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1009-8623.2012.07.004 |
中文关键词: 葡萄牙;科技发展;主权债务危机;清洁能源;中医药 |
英文关键词: Portugal;science and technology development;sovereign-debt crisis;clean energy;traditional Chinese medicine |
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摘要点击次数: 3253 |
全文下载次数: 2622 |
中文摘要: |
2011 年是葡萄牙遭遇主权债务危机、政治动荡导致政府换届,科技发展严重受挫的一年。分析
相关资料表明:缺乏高科技支柱产业使得葡萄牙克服经济困难的难度加大。也正因为如此,葡萄牙新政府更加重视发展科技和科技成果产业化,制定“以人为本,机制优化”的整改措施,鼓励开展国际合作,以及坚持上届政府制定的发展清洁能源和电动交通的科技战略。截止到 2011年 6 月,葡萄牙全国风能装机总容量为 3 960 兆瓦,跻身世界前 10 位。此外,不是高科技范畴的农业在 2011 年却得到葡萄牙的特别重视,表明“农业是立国之本”这一常识在经济困难时再次得到肯定。值得一提的是:葡萄牙的中医药教育发展良好,中医药已经成为葡萄牙人就业的新兴岗位之一。 |
英文摘要: |
In 2011, Portugal encountered the sovereign debt crisis, which caused political instability and the change of government. As a result, Portuguese scientific research and development has seriously suffered a setback. Analysis of relevant data shows that lack of hi-tech industry make its economic rejuvenation more
difficult. Thus, the new government pays more attention to R&D and takes more measures to accelerate industrialization of scientific achievements, such as, drawing up a new scientific policy based on people-first and mechanism optimization, encouraging more international cooperation, and keeping on the strategy to develop clean energy and electric vehicles. Up to June of 2011, the total installed capacity of wind power in Portugal amounts to 3960 MW, ranking the No. 10 in the world. Moreover, agriculture, which used to be non-high-tech,
has received more attention too. As the base of a country, importance of agriculture has been realized during the economy crisis period in Portugal. It is worth mentioning that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) education in
Portugal develops well and TCM has become one of the emerging job fields for Portuguese. |
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