Review on development of Hungarian science andtechnology in 2011
投稿时间:2012-01-12  修订日期:2012-01-12
中文关键词: 匈牙利;科技发展;第五届世界科学论坛;匈牙利科学院;改革与重组
英文关键词: Hungary;S&T development;the 5th World Science Forum;Hungarian Academy of Sciences;reform and restructure
谢高峰 中国科学院紫金山天文台 
摘要点击次数: 2941
全文下载次数: 2378
      2011年,匈牙利仍深受欧洲主权债务危机的影响,经济下滑。政府推出了新经济发展计 划,以图振兴经济发展。科技发展方面有不少令人鼓舞的消息:第五届世界科学论坛在布达佩 斯召开;3名从事神经研究的匈牙利科学家获得欧洲大脑研究大奖。科学界强调基础研究的重要 性,呼吁重视基础研究;政府采取了多种举措以促进科学研究的发展。最值得关注的是,匈牙利 科学院的大规模改革与重组,新的科研体制将以杰出科学家及其研究团队为核心。在政府的经费 支持下,匈牙利科学院的人才计划扩大了规模,并将适用范围进一步扩大到高校。
      Deeply affected by the European sovereign debt, Hungarian economy remained in recession though the new national economic programs were launched in order to revitalize its economy in 2011. But development of science and technology of Hungary in 2011 is still encouraging. The 5th World Science Forum was successfully held in Budapest. Three Hungarian neuroscientists had been awarded the Brain Prize 2011. The importance of the frontier and basic sciences were stressed by the scientific community. Hungarian government has taken some measures to promote the scientific researches in 2011. The most noteworthy operation was that the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) had conducted a large-scale reform and restructuring for its framework. The outstanding scientists and their research teams will become the core of the new scientific research system. Backed by the governmental fund, the Brain Gain Program, MOMENTUM, initiated by HAS in 2009, was expanded to higher education sector. This paper gives a very general but a panoramic view on the latest development of Hungarian science and technology in 2011.
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