US research needs for harnessing fusion power and its strategic R&D plan
投稿时间:2012-06-11  修订日期:2012-06-11
中文关键词: 美国;美国能源部;聚变能;氚燃料;环境与安全
英文关键词: The US;the US Department of Energy;fusion power;tritium fuel;environment and safety
冯北元 中国原子能科学研究院 
摘要点击次数: 2994
全文下载次数: 2698
      为制定美国未来 20 年聚变能发展的全面战略规划,2009 年 6 月,美国能源部聚变能科学局 (OFES)主办了磁约束聚变能科学研究需求研讨会(MFES ReNeW)。研讨会针对 ITER 燃烧等离子体、建立 可预测的高性能稳态等离子体、等离子体与材料界面、驾驭聚变能及优化磁场结构等 5 个研究主题,进行 了充分的研究和讨论,最终形成了磁约束聚变能科学研究的 5 个主题下的 18 个研究要点。5 个主题之一 的驾驭聚变能研究,其研究目标是:确定在反应堆环境下,实现有把握地设计和建造强大可靠的、可将聚 变能转换为可用能源的系统(包括氚燃料的自满足供给)所面临的研究需求。本文基于研讨会的研究结果, 对驾驭聚变能研究主题所涉及的聚变燃料循环、能量导出、材料科学、安全与环境及可靠性、可用性、可维 护性、可检测性(RAMI)等 5 个层面及3个研究要点进行简要的介绍和阐述。
      In order to map out its strategic R&D plan, the US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (OFES) commissioned a Research Needs Workshop, in June 2009. This activity will help OFES develop a plan for US fusion research over the next two decades. The workshop was organized in five Themes: Burning Plasma in ITER, High-performance Steady State, Plasma Material Interface, Fusion Power, and Magnetic Configuration. The total 18 research thrusts on the five themes were finally developed. The top level goal of the Fusion Power Theme was to identify the research needed to develop the knowledge to design and build, with high confidence, robust and reliable systems that can convert fusion products to useful forms of energy in a reactor environment, including a self-sufficient supply of tritium fuel. Each Theme was subsequently subdivided into Panels to address specific topics. The Fusion Power Panel topics were: Fusion Fuel Cycle; Power Extraction; Materials Science; Safety and Environment; and Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Inspectability (RAMI). The key research thrusts of the Fusion Power theme were briefly introduced and expounded here.
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