姚恒美,王 萍.美国近年先进材料战略与具体行动[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2012,27(11):13~18
Advanced materials strategies of the U.S. and its implementation
中文关键词: 美国;先进材料;稀土材料;石墨烯
英文关键词: the U.S.;advanced materials;rare earth materials;graphene
姚恒美 上海图书馆上海科学技术情报研究所 
王 萍 上海图书馆上海科学技术情报研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3700
全文下载次数: 2910
      作为世界第一超级大国,美国先进材料研究发展战略部署历来是超前的和较为全面的,近年来 尤为强化,制定了一系列与先进材料相关的国家级计划,如未来工业材料计划、国家纳米技术计划、先进 汽车材料计划、下一代照明光源计划等。先进材料在新能源等多个产业中起到基础作用,但目前研发周期 较长。先进材料产业被认为是美国近年振兴制造业的重点之一。2011 年 6 月启动的“材料基因组计划” (MGI)是美国政府跨部门统筹现有计划、全面布局的重要举措,能源部、国家科学基金会、国家标准与技 术研究院及国防部等部门对此响应积极。
      In recent years, the US has made a series of state strategies and national research programs concerning advanced materials R&D, such as for the Future (IMF) Industrial Materials for the Future (IMF), National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), Advanced Automotive Materials Plan, Next-Generation Lighting Initiative (NGLI), etc. Advanced materials industry is considered to be one of the priorities of revitalization of manufacturing in the U.S. It plays a fundamental role in many industries including new energy industry although having a long development cycle now. Materials genome initiative (MGI) , which was started in June 2011, is one of the important measures for inter-departmental co-ordination of existing plans and comprehensive layout by US government. The US Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Department of Defense responded positively. This article briefly describes the research and development direction and hot spots, national strategies, and action plans concerning advanced material in the U.S.
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