叶建忠.瑞士空气污染管制法及PM10和 PM2.5的限排措施[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2013,28(12):26~29
瑞士空气污染管制法及PM10和 PM2.5的限排措施
Air Pollution Control Act of Switzerland and Its Limit Emission Measures for PM10 and PM2.5
投稿时间:2013-10-24  修订日期:2013-10-24
中文关键词: 瑞士;清洁空气政策;.. PM10;PM2.5;排放控制;减排措施
英文关键词: Switzerland;clean air policy;PM10;PM2.5;emission control;emission reduction measures
叶建忠 中国科学院国家科学图书馆成都分馆 
摘要点击次数: 2967
全文下载次数: 2184
      瑞士的环境质量在世界上堪称一流,这得益于瑞士严格执行政府.. 1985年出台的《空气污染管制条例》,在控制 PM 10和 PM 2.5排放方面,要求明确,措施得当。瑞士 PM 10和 PM 2.5的最大排放源分别为农林和居住与商业。瑞士在道路交通、铁路、水运和航空运输、施工机械与设备、燃烧、工业设备与生产流程以及农业等领域均采取了一系列的减排措施,如,规定柴油的含硫量不得超过 10 mg/kg,各种车辆须加装可以过滤包括 PM2. 5的新型高效尾气排放过滤器等等。瑞士的经验表明,有效控制PM10和 PM2.5的排放量,一是要细化规章制度,二是要有必要的技术手段。
      Based on the Air Pollution Control Act of Switzerland released in 1985 and reports on the air quality from Federal Environmental Protection Administration, this article introduces emissions of PM10 and PM2.5 in Switzerland and the related emission control measures taken by the government. The paper lists the 4 main emission sources of PM10 and PM2.5, i.e., emissions from agriculture, forestry, living and business activities, the existing data of PM10 and PM2.5 emissions in 2005 and 2010, as well as the predicted emissions data for 2020. Switzerland is committed to take measures to control PM10 and PM2.5 emissions from transportation systems, construction machinery, and industrial combustion equipments andoperations, etc. For example, the sulfur in diesel exceeding 10 mg/kg is not allowed for use; all kinds of vehicles need to be equipped with efficient filters that can reduce exhaust including PM2.5. The experience of Switzerland shows that detailed regulations and advanced technologies are crucial for efficient control of PM2.5 and PM10 emissions.
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