田 耀,段昊翔.美国环保政策法规的发展历程[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2014,29(3):62~66
The Evolvement of U.S. Environmental Policy
中文关键词: 美国;环境保护;政策法规
英文关键词: the United States;environmental protection;policy and regulation
田 耀 天津外国语大学 
段昊翔 天津外国语大学 
摘要点击次数: 4292
全文下载次数: 11534
      美国为环境保护立法的历史可以追溯到 19世纪末,但是美国政府早期颁布的环保法案仅体现了美国土地政策的转变,直到 20 世纪 70 年代才开始触及工业污染和生活垃圾,一系列重要的环保法律相继出台。70年代末期,经济的缓慢增长,商业团体的游说和民众对政府的不信任放缓了美国环境 保护的步伐。进入 80 年代,里根政府放松环保管制,但却唤起了公众强烈的环保意识。到 90 年代,兼顾经济和社会发展的可持续发展环保政策逐渐形成并一直延续至今。尽管美国的环保法规政策因政治气候的变化和经济发展状况以及许多现实因素的影响而有所不同,但始终是与时俱进,日趋完善。
      The United States leads the world in both the number and scope of environmental acts, the first of which was passed over one hundred years ago. The reasons behind the country’s comprehensive legal system for environmental protection can be ascribed to its political system, the technological advancement, the shape of environmental ethics, and the efforts of non-governmental environmental organizations. Despite various twists and turns, the U.S. environmental conservation has made considerable progress. The economy-oriented legislation in early time has turned into the sustainability-based environmental policy. The environmental acts didn’t touch industrial pollution and solid waste until the 1970s, when virtually all significant environmental policies in the country were established. The Reagan administration’s loose regulation of environmental issues in the 1980s ended up arousing strong environmental consciousness among the public. The sustainability-based environmental strategy popular in the 1990s has went well into the twenty-first century. Although the environmental policy is always influenced by the alteration of political climate, it has moved with the times and been increasingly mature.
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