汤天波,王 冰.国际石墨烯技术与产业发展态势研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2014,29(9):46~50
Global Industry Development and Technical Improvement of Graphene
中文关键词: 石墨烯;技术研发;产业发展;商业化应用
英文关键词: graphene;research and development;industry development;commercialization
汤天波 上海市科学学研究所;上海大学 
王 冰 上海市科学学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2545
全文下载次数: 2073
      自 Andre Geim 和 Konstantin Novoselov发现从石墨中有效分离石墨烯的方法以来,石墨烯受 到了各国政府及产业界的广泛重视。美国、欧盟各国和日本及韩国等国家,相继开展了大量石墨烯研发计划和项目,各国均以应用和产业化为研发重点及导向,十分注重研发成果的商业化应用。当前,石墨烯技术开始进入快速成长期,正在迅速向技术成熟期跨越,其研发主要集中在 4个领域:传感器、储能和新型显示、生物医学及半导体材料。有相当数量的石墨烯研发项目已顺利完成并进入商业化准备期,各国政府纷纷制定了石墨烯“商业化时间表”,主流企业成为石墨烯技术研发的主体力量。我国在石墨烯技术研发与产业化方面具备一定基础,但仍待进一步布局,期望所做研究能为我国石墨烯技术研发与产业发展提供借鉴。
      Since Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov found the way to effectively segregate graphene from graphite, graphene has received wide attentions from governments and industries. Numerous R&D programs have been launched by the US, EU Members, Japan, Korea and other countries in succession. The application and industrialization of graphene are the focus and direction of the research. Each country attaches great importance to the commercialization of the result of the researches. Currently, graphene technology has entered a rapid-growth period, getting ready to leap into a technological maturity stage. There are 4 main fields of the research: sensors, power storage, new type of display, biomedical science, and semiconductor materials. Many graphene programs have been completed successfully, and enter a commercial preparation period. Commercialization schedules of graphene are made respectively by governments all over the world. The mainstream enterprises have become the main force to develop graphene techniques. China possesses some basic development and commercialization abilities, but requires further arrangements. I hope this research can provide a reference to the graphene’s R&D and commercialization in China.
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