Study on Hierarchical Introduction and Evaluation of Highgrade Talents in Science and Technology
中文关键词: 高层次科技人才;分层评价;人才引进;人才评价
英文关键词: highly-qualified talents in science and technology;hierarchical evaluation;talents introducing;talents evaluation
基金项目:国家软科学研究计划项目“国外科技人才发展趋势比较研究”(2012GXS5D127)、国家科技支撑计划项目“面向科技情报 分析的信息服务资源开发与支撑技术研究”(2015BAH25F01)。
田瑞强 中国科学技术信息研究所 
袁军鹏 中国科学技术信息研究所 
朱梦皎 同济大学图书馆 
潘云涛 中国科学技术信息研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3138
全文下载次数: 3129
      In view of the characteristics of overseas high-level scientific and technological talents, the paper studies the standards of dividing different levels of talents, establishing a reliable evaluation mechanism with multi-angle and diversification. Hierarchy analytic method is used in determining the weight of each index. Those provide the basis for the introduction of professional talents in China. In this paper, the S&T talents are divided into three levels: top scientists, outstanding scientists, and brilliant scientists. Top scientists are those who would be introduced with highest priority, while outstanding scientists have the potential to grow into top scientists. And brilliant scientists are the last ones to be introduced. That is to ensure the talents introduced are at least above the average of the academic standards globally. The paper puts forward an evaluation system of S&T talents, which takes their growth stages and disciplines’ difference into account, and emphasizes on the academic reputation, outstanding academic quality and other related factors of the S&T talents in respective disciplines.
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