白玉琪 狄黎平.基于全球综合对地观测系统通用基础设施的科学数据共享研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2013,(5):105~110
Study of Data Sharing Based on Common Infrastructure for Global EarthObservation System
中文关键词: 对地观测资源;全球综合对地观测系统;通用基础设施;数据共享;观测资源管理
英文关键词: earth observation resources, global earth observation system, GEOSS common infrastructure, date sharing, management of observation resource
白玉琪 狄黎平 1.清华大学地球系统科学研究中心,北京 100084;2.美国乔治梅森大学空间信息科学与系统研究中 心,弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯 22030 
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      全球综合对地观测系统旨在建立全球性的数据共享框架,为各国组织共享和使用对地观测资源提供技术 解决方案。该系统的通用基础设施包括标准和互操作注册中心、组件和服务注册中心、分布式查询服务中心、资源门 户4 个部分。文章介绍各个组件的作用和相互间的关系,分析向全球综合对地观测系统提供共享资源的类型和技术流 程,提出该系统对国内科学数据共享实践的启示。
      The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) is a new generation of Earth observation resources sharing framework initialized by the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) in 2005. The GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) has been established to enable the registration of, discovery of, and access to the sharable Earth observation resources. The GCI consists of the following components: the Standards and Interoperability Registry, the Component and Service Registry, the Clearinghouse, and the GEO Portal. The Standards and Interoperability Registry maintains the list of GEOSS-endorsed standards and interoperability protocols. The Component and Service Registry is the master directory of all the GEOSS-wide sharable Earth observation resources. The Clearinghouse fulfills the distributed search to make metadata information about the Earth observation resources available through Application Programming Interface. The GEO Portal presents a Graphical User Interface for users to discover the Earth observation resources of interest. This paper introduces each of these GCI components, and their relationships. It presents several scenarios for resource providers to follow when contributing Earth observation resources to the GEOSS. It also concludes the lessons learned from the design and implementation of this system.
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