岳晓旭 袁军鹏.基于共词分析方法的中外信息可视化研究热点变迁研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2015,(4):60~79
Analysis of Information Visualization Research Hotspot Changes Based onCo-word Clustering
中文关键词: 信息可视化;研究热点;共词分析;聚类分析;社会网络分析
英文关键词: information visualization, research hotspot, Co-word analysis, Cluster analysis, social network analysis
岳晓旭 袁军鹏 中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038 
摘要点击次数: 1863
全文下载次数: 2014
      对2004-2013年CNKI和EBSCO期刊全文数据库收录的信息可视化领域的论文的高频关键词进行共词分 析,并按2004-2008年、2009-2013年两个时间段,从空间和时间两个维度对比其频次变化特点,进而构建关键词共现 矩阵。利用SPSS进行聚类分析和使用NETDRAW软件绘制可视化图谱,直观地反映出近年来国内外信息可视化研究的 热点及国内外的研究差距。结果表明,信息可视化研究选题具有多样性的特点,并由传统的技术研究正逐渐转向内容 的可视化分析,我国较早开展地理信息可视化的研究,信息可视化应用到自然界仿真的研究中有待扩展、国外学者以 此为借鉴,将信息可视化技术应用到了动物、人类和决策研究,而我国在这些方面的研究尚属鲜见,有待加强。
      Based on Co-word clustering method, high frequency keywords of information visualization in 2004-2013 CNKI Journal Full-text Database and EBSCO Journal Full-text Database revenue journal papers, statistical analysis was carried out in 2004-2008, 2009-2013 two time periods, from the two dimensions of space and time compared the frequency changes, and then construct keywords co-occurrence matrix. On this basis, using SPSS converted to a correlation matrix for clustering analysis, and visualization of map was drawn using the NETDRAW software, directly reflect the change and the gap between domestic and foreign research in information visualization. Research shows that, features, information visualization research has the diversity of our country by the technology of traditional is gradually turning to visual analysis based on the content research and information visualization is applied to the study of simulation of nature to be extended, the foreign research field of application to decision making research is turning to.
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