储节旺 汤晓珊.高校文化科技复合人才培养探析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2016,(2):88~92
Study on the Cultivation of Cultural and Creative Talents in Colleges and Univrsities
中文关键词: 科技人才;人文社科人才;人才培养;复合型人才;互联网+
英文关键词: technology talents, humanities and social science talents, personnel training, compound talents, internet+
基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金项目“开放环境下协同产品开发知识地图建构研究”(1408085MG140);安徽省教育厅2013年高 等教育振兴计划人才项目(2013jyzxrc308)。
储节旺 汤晓珊 安徽大学管理学院,安徽合肥 230601 
摘要点击次数: 1921
全文下载次数: 1524
      针对十八大提出的文化与科技融合,促进文化大发展大繁荣,探讨高校文化科技复合人才培养的对策。通 过分析国内外的高校科技人才和人文社科人才培养现状,提出了国内高校复合人才培养存在的问题,包括教育体系设 置不足、复合型人才缺乏、人才培养存在结构性矛盾、师资队伍弱和教学与实践分离的问题。在此基础上,提出了高 校文化科技复合人才培养的对策,包括:确定高校人才培养目标;改革教学方式,提升教师素质;改革课程设置;推 进产学研结合,鼓励创业;与国外联合培养人才。
      According to the integration of culture and science and technology, and promote the great development and prosperity of the cultural and scientific and technological talents, the passage discusses that universities how to bring up inter-disciplinary talent. Through the analysis of domestic and foreign university science and technology talent and Humanities and Social Sciences personnel training situation, shows that the compound talent cultivation problems, including the education system settings, lack of compound talents, talent training there is a structural contradiction, and separation of teachers and poor teaching and practice. Through the analysis of the problem, and puts forward the culture in Colleges and universities of science and technology talents cultivating countermeasures include: determine the goal of personnel training; reform teaching methods, improve the quality of teachers; curriculum reform; promoting the combination of production, teaching and research, encourage entrepreneurship; foreign and joint training.
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