齐 娜 张英杰.从专利数据分析苏州新能源汽车创新态势[J].中国科技资源导刊,2016,(4):62~71
Trend Study of New-Energy-Vehicle Development Based on Patent Analysis
中文关键词: 专利分析;新能源汽车;创新态势;苏州
英文关键词: patent analysis, patent data analysis, new energy vehicles, innovation situation, Suzhou
齐 娜 张英杰 中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038 
摘要点击次数: 1764
全文下载次数: 1756
      选择德温特专利数据库中的苏州新能源汽车领域专利数据,经过筛选加工后,利用科学计量的分析方法与 工具,对苏州新能源汽车领域的专利信息从专利公开量、专利申请人、专利的转让与转入、专利类型与法律状态、技 术研发方向等几个维度进行分析,全面展示了苏州新能源汽车领域的创新态势。分析表明,苏州新能源汽车专利申请 量快速发展、机构发明人中企业表现突出,发明专利的比重有待提高,并指出在技术研发方向上聚焦于电池及电机。 建议进一步加大区域创新投入,创造良好的创新环境;促进产学研相结合的创新体系建设;提高专利实用型,加强关
      This article introduces the innovation situation of Suzhou new energy vehicles in the selected Derwent patent database. After the cleaning process, the scientific information methods and tools are used to analyze the patent information of Suzhou new energy vehicles in the aspects of patent disclosure, patent applicants, The type of patents and legal status, technology transfer and research and development directions, which delivers a comprehensive display of the Suzhou area of innovation in new energy vehicles trend. There has a rapid development in the field of Suzhou new energy automotive patent applications, especially outstanding in the enterprise inventors. The proportion of invention patents needs to be improved. The main R & D focus are on the battery and motor. It is suggested to further increase investment in regional innovation and create a favorable environment for innovation, promote the combination of production, study and research to build a innovation system, improve the practicality of patents, strengthen the R & D and layout of key technologies, advocate the establishment of industry alliance.
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